
What are you doing? my head screams as soon as I utter the words I said I would never say. “I’ll go out to dinner with you.”

“Really?” he says, the smile on his face beaming. “Shit, I have to be at practice in two hours, or I would kidnap you right now.”

I can’t help but laugh. “You know this is a government building, and they literally will shoot you.” I shake my head, ignoring how good it is to see him. “You need to go, and I’ll call you about tonight.”

“What time do you finish?” he asks. “I’m done at five. I can come and get you.”

“Absolutely not,” I snap. “I will meet you there.” I see he’s about to argue with me, so I change the subject. “What’s in the bag?”

“Something for you.” He holds up the bag by the handle, swinging it side to side on his finger.

“Well, at least it’s not a box,” I mumble, taking the bag from him.

“I should have put it in a box. The guy literally took the bag and crushed it between his two hands.” He imitates the guy downstairs.

“Again, it’s a government building,” I point out. “I work with criminals.”

He just gawks at me. “Is that safe?”

“As safe as putting on skates and skating on ice, hoping you don’t lose a glove and have someone skate over your hand.” I move the tissue to the side, seeing the white thing inside and pulling it out. “What the?” I throw the bag down and hold the heavy shirt in my hand. “Is this a jersey?” I ask, turning it to see that it’s his number nineteen with his name, Richards.

“It’s for you to wear to the game tomorrow,” he announces, and I just look at him.

“I said yes to tonight,” I remind him. “I never said anything about tomorrow.”

“I know.” He smirks. “I’m going to persuade you tonight with my charm.” He kisses my lips again, just like that. Like he’s okay to do it. Like I’ve watched my father do to my mother countless times. Like Romeo does to Gabriella. I don’t like it. I kind of always thought it was stupid, and now it’s happening to me. I’m not that woman. “So will you text me where you want to go?”

“Yes,” I confirm to him, trying to think if I can ghost him, but chances are he’ll show up again tomorrow. Might as well just get this out of the way so he can go back to wherever it is he came from. “Now, you have to go. I have a hearing to get ready for,” I lie to him. The next case I have to appear in court for is in about three weeks, but he doesn’t have to know that.

“Will you walk me out?” he asks, and I roll my lips. “So the girl can see you like me.”

“I don’t,” I quickly correct him. “I’m tolerating you. There is a difference.”

“Okay, gorgeous.” He turns and waits for me at the door, as if I just didn’t tell him I don’t really like him.

“Oh my God.” I throw my hands up, tossing the jersey on the chair before walking toward the door, standing away from him in case he wants to kiss me again.

I wait for him to open the door before I step out into the hallway. I walk side by side with him, putting my hands in my pockets to make sure he doesn’t try to hold my hand. “There,” I say once we get to the lobby and in front of the elevator, “happy?”

“Yes,” he answers, pressing the button to go down. The doors open right away as if they were waiting for him. “You’ll call me?” He keeps his finger on the button instead of getting into the elevator.

“I told you I would.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later, then,” he says with a sly smile. “You look gorgeous, by the way.” I literally take an inhale of breath because it feels like it’s getting harder to breathe. He bends his head and kisses my lips before getting into the elevator. “Bye.” He holds up his hand before the doors close.

“I like him,” Claudia says, and I whip my head around to look at her, my lips still tingling from the kiss.

“Good, you can go out with him, then.” I avoid looking at her and also avoid thinking about how it felt when she said she liked him. “He’s free tonight, if you want.”

“If I didn’t have my husband and child at home.” She snaps her fingers. “I would so take you up on that.”

“Good to know,” I mumble before I tell her to fuck off and walk back to my office. The shirt on the chair stares at me. “I’m not going to the game,” I tell myself to make sure my brain informs other parts of my body.

I’m about to sit back down when my phone rings, and I look down, seeing he’s calling me through Instagram. “I said I would call you,” I snap into the phone.

I hear him chuckle, and I swear my pussy contracts. “I just want to make sure because I really don’t want to go through a cavity search to come and see you again.” This time, I’m the one who chuckles. “When I walked out, I think the guy didn’t stop watching me until I was outside of the building.”