Page 9 of Fake

Chapter 4


I was really playing with fire. I should have left the gorgeous Kylie Morgan at the bar and behaved myself, but the more I talked to her, the more I had to have her. Her naiveté in the face of such glaring media lies about her sexual exploits was so fascinating, even Jesus would want to explore that juxtaposition a bit further.

When I said it would be dangerous, I was cautioning myself rather than her. Her question about loneliness gripped me because I was in fact very lonely, by choice. I didn’t have time for relationships, complications, or people. When I was done with my day, I wanted quiet solace and clean lines. Nothing could be messy or out of place; I needed order and control. I did like to fuck, though, and so I either had to book a hotel room for the evening or use my other apartment in New York, the one I offered to my clients for the business. I had a house in upstate New York, but as this was very impromptu, the home was the only option.

I was safe with someone as famous as Kylie because I knew she had secrets she didn’t want me to divulge, so because of this, she’d likely return the favor.

“So you come home to your tower overlooking the city, covered in snow white furnishings, and play Lord of Manhattan?” she asked swiveling in her chair at the breakfast bar expressing her sexual angst.

She had no idea who she was toying with.

“With my stock portfolio, I don’t have to play anything.” I moved around the kitchen counter and approached her.

Time to get closer. Perhaps closing the distance would distract her from her hurtful and honest questioning.

“Should I call you Master?” She laughed and sipped her water.

“That would certainly get this evening started a lot faster. Speaking of playing, since I promised you conversation, do you feel like playing a little game?” I moved into her and made sure to brush my erection across her knee.

She had to remember what the goal was here. Insulting me had its price.

“Um … what kind of game?” Her eyes narrowed, and her face screwed into a grimace.

“Well, you get to ask me a question, and I can decide to answer it or not, and if I do answer it, I get to move us one step closer to where I want this evening to go.” I drank my wine and waited for her response.

“And so, what if I ask you a question, and you don’t answer it?” Fear sparked up in her eyes.

“I forego moving us forward for that round, and I ask you a question. If you don’t answer it, I get to take my turn. For example, you ask me how many women I’ve slept with, and I’ll tell you I’ve had too many to count. I get to kiss you again. If you ask me my bank account number, and I refuse to answer, I get to ask you a question. If you answer it, you get another question, if you don’t answer it, I get to take off that ugly T-shirt.” I took a beat to stare at her for a moment. “Understand?”

“Yes,” she swallowed.

“Do you want to play?” I pressed my hard cock into her knee.

“What if I want you to stop and end the whole thing?” A shiver ran up her spine as she shook a little; it was so fucking sexy.

“You mean when you see how big my cock actually is and get terrified?” I wasn’t really kidding.

“Or your ego.” Her head cocked, and she glared.

“Anytime you genuinely want to stop and not because you can’t handle the lovin’ but truly want to leave that very minute, you can. You’re not my prisoner.” I backed away from her for a moment to give her some space. “So, what do you say?”

She gave the proposition some thought, which I considered surprising.

“I’ll play.” She perked up and must have worked out some sort of game plan to keep me from her, but I was good at games, especially ones where women ended up on their backs as my reward.

“Okay, you start.” I grabbed a stool and sat very close to her, thinking of the first, seemingly innocent things I could do before I had her screaming and writhing on my cock.

“Do you have something to eat? I’m pretty starving.” She smiled as if she’d won the round.

Having me fix her a meal was pretty clever as it would stall for time; I couldn’t kiss her if her mouth was busy chewing.

“I didn’t think models liked to eat.” I pretended to be shocked.

“I was going to order some chicken wings at the bar, other than that I’ve had a Chobani and chia seeds today. I’m hungry. I can door-dash something if you’re one of those billionaires who can’t cook for shit.”