Page 69 of Fake

“Then you can’t fuck me.” Her eyes were deep soulful pools of earnest entreat.

“I can’t?” Suddenly my heart felt heavy. “I thought the sex was the only really good thing we had going other than our private business endeavors?”

“I want you to make love to me. Even if it’s to the Kylie you think you know. I just want to feel respected and cared for. You don’t have to love me, but love the fact that I’m going to get all fat and I barf most mornings and someday my tits will become nothing more than a milk bar so that half a strand of your DNA can get a good shot at a great start in life. Maybe you can love that?”

Whoa, yes. I could love that. “Of course.” The truth was I did care for Kylie a great deal; I had from the moment I met her at the bar and realized she was so deeply hiding her true self. I loved people I deemed as broken as myself, and so I surrendered that night, we both did. “I can do that, with pleasure.”

“Then consider my walls lowered, enough so you can see in …” She leaned over and kissed my lips, and I wanted more of her, but I restrained myself.

We had to eat, so instead, I drank my wine and buckled up for a fast careening ride into the unknown.

Chapter 27


After Alec told me about his wife’s death, all I could think about was the pain he must have suffered. He’d lost his whole family in three days. We ate and discussed the history of his lake house. Edwin and his family lived in the modest two-bedroom home on the property but had lake privileges. He and his wife kept the house clean, and their son went to the local school, which was one of the best in New York. Alec paid them a yearly salary and didn’t make them do much.

Alec and his wife loved the lake house, but after her death, he couldn’t bring himself to come back. He did so infrequently for parties or events he’d host but rarely came on his own.

“Can we have a wedding here? It doesn’t have to be a big thing, does it?” I was hoping it wouldn’t have to be a blown-out affair; that made me really nervous.

“We are renting Tavern on the Green. It will be one of the biggest events of the year. My PR firm is planning the whole thing; luckily we’ll have little to do with it other than show up.” My stomach bottomed. “We’re under a time constraint because the wedding has to happen before you show too much. We want people to believe we are the most romantic couple to hit this century, and that doesn’t editorialize very well when you’re huge and pregnant. That’s not exactly the image we want you to be cultivating. So, we’ll have a massive wedding, then BOOM! You’re cute and big and pregnant and then, BAM we have a baby, then …” his voice trailed off.

“Then?” I pressured him, having not been a part of the plan.

“It’s all in the contract. We don’t need to discuss it now. How about we grab some microwave popcorn and watch a movie. I have a screener of the new Galaxy Battle movie,” he just threw out there like it wasn’t the most amazing thing ever!

“You what?” I was seriously in awe.

He laughed and snapped another silly photo of me with my mouth wide open.

“I do, and it’s a nice quality download. Shall we?” He extended his hand.

“We shall.” I gave him my best Queen of England accent and took his hand. “Why all the pictures all of a sudden?” It weirded me out a little.

“I want to remember you like this. I really like the real Kylie Morgan, so when you and I have gone our separate ways, I’d like to have pictures to remember how you were because I know for a fact, I’ll never see that Kylie again.” That made me a little sad, but it was true. He wouldn’t see that side of me again. I couldn’t let the world know who I really was.

We hunkered down and cuddled together as we watched the movie. I squealed and lost my mind when a plot twist revealed the arch nemesis was secretly in love with the heroine and their sex … oh, my God. Even though the movie was rated R that sex scene was insane; it had me so hot.

“Could you believe that? I mean Targ Vardan and Amalie? Who saw that coming?” I was so blown away. “That was the best movie ever … ever!”

“I saw that coming.” He laughed.

“No, you didn’t you liar!” I slapped his arm.

“You didn’t see it? In the last movie he was all ‘I’m going to haunt your dreams …’” Alec did a great Targ Vardan impression, which made him even sexier.