Page 20 of Fake

“You have such an amazing view.” She was deflecting as she soon as she saw me bring the ice bucket and a bowl of ice cream with just one spoon. “You aren’t going to feed me again are you?” She curled her nose.

“No.” I set the bucket down and slid out of my pants, my cock was already back on the rise just thinking of the fun I was about to have with her. “You are going to feed me.”

“We can’t both get a spoon? I mean you’re a billionaire … you don’t have two spoons?” Ah, the snarky girl was back, defenses up.

“No, we don’t each get a spoon. I’m a minimalist.” I left my answer vague; I didn’t need any more of her wheedling. “Now I want you to lay back and close your eyes. Don’t open them, or I’ll blindfold you.” I tempered my voice to a low purr.

“A blindfold huh? So, when do I get to go all dark and dominating on you? Tie you up, spank your monkey around a little …” Her pixie face had a sudden fierceness and warrior-like quality.

“Oh, you’ll be spanking my monkey plenty, now lie down and close your eyes. I promise you’ll enjoy this. Just keep thinking, there’s a warm Jacuzzi in your near future. This might get intense, but I won’t hurt you. This is all about your pleasure.” She looked at me, and for a moment, I saw that scared little person inside of her deciding whether she might bolt.

Perhaps unleashing my sinister eroticism wasn’t the best plan, but I needed to possess her, if only for the night. However, to ease her worry, I tried a different approach.

“Before … well, why don’t I get you a little warmed up first?” I set the bucket next to her and slid into the Jacuzzi then glided over to where she was sitting with her feet dangling in the water and spread her legs.

“You might want to take my shirt off for this.” I offered a sweet smile and prepared to feast on her again.

While I was in the water, ready to eat the prettiest pussy I’d ever seen, she grabbed the spoon and dug into the ice cream, taking a huge bite. Seductively she slid the spoon in and out of her mouth.

“This is delicious.” She glared defiantly.

“So is this.” I brought my mouth to her pussy, and with as much deliberate slowness as she ate her ice cream, I ate her.

My tongue pressed into her pussy hard, and she yelped despite her best efforts to taunt me. My fingers pried her open, and she tried to wiggle away with her mouth full of ice cream.

“No … you don’t,” she said with a dribble of ice cream running down the corner of her lips.

“While you’re hogging the ice cream, I get to do this.” I pinched her just a little as I spread her open wider.

“Get another spoon, and all your troubles will be over,” she quipped as I found her clit swollen and begging.

Without more stalling or banter I dove into the love button and sucked it into my teeth, nibbling just a little at the most sensitive part of her body.

“Fuck, no! Alec.” She pitched backward and bucked her nub deeper into my mouth unable to control her body’s reactions.

I had her. I dove two fingers into her dripping wet pussy and rocketed them in and out of her as I sucked harder and harder until she came in my mouth, abandoning the ice cream and her senses at the same time. She came so hard she became instantly floppy.

“Now, I’m not going to ask you again. Lay back and close your eyes. It’s my turn to have some ice cream.” I picked up her discarded spoon and scooped out a small dollop. “Whatever you do, don’t open your eyes.” She huffed her dissatisfaction with my command but laid back and kept her eyes closed and her body still as I laid a spoonful of ice cream on her breast.

“Cold, cold,” she protested.

“Stay still,” I barked as I placed another spoonful on her other breast and let them stay there until the ice cream was gently melting down the sides of each.

As the ice cream chilled her tits, I licked only the dribbles that came down. My tongue smoothed over her hot skin as I scooped another bite of ice cream and placed it inside her navel as she sucked the air.

“Alec,” she panted.

“You’re doing great,” I rewarded her as I swiped my tongue over one of her nipples and slurped up the mound of melting ice cream, making sure to suck on the tit hard enough to draw her breast into my mouth.

“Ahh,” she called out as the ice cream continued to melt down her body.