Page 77 of Fake

“Really, Maralis, isn’t this going just a bit too far?” The damn thing was so strange and uncomfortable.

“Alec and I agreed to this. We would let the world know you were pregnant; he was going to make a grand show of things, then we’ll have the wedding next month. I have tons of engagements for the two of you to attend, by the way. So, you go on a lavish honeymoon, have the baby, drift apart, get divorced, and boom … you’re a rich woman who has grown from her childishness, and you’ll be the most beautiful single mother on the planet. Maybe then you’ll be ready for someone real.” She zipped up the gown as she spoke, and I almost got sick. I was with someone real.

Chapter 30


Paparazzi followed us everywhere. For four months we had nothing but photographers and journalists following our every move. We couldn’t even walk out of the penthouse without a throng, and I mean like thirty people following us. I had considered selling the penthouse and finding a place with secret service-level security, but I loved my sanctuary too much, so I hired a service to guard us day and night so we could at least make it to the engagements we were booked to attend.

For the most part, we were trapped. I couldn’t even go to the lake house for fear they would follow us there. They had seen us on the lake and in Rochester and in Toronto but hadn’t found my house. It was in my grandfather’s name, so even a savvy web sleuth would have a hard time linking the house to me. Over the months, I desperately wanted to take Kylie there as she deserved a break from the relentlessness of our sudden uber stardom. I was an asshole at heart; I could handle it, and so barking at paps or throwing my menacing threats around didn’t bother me in the slightest, but it upset her.

Kylie was kinder and much more loved than me. She worked so hard. Not only did we have to attend events, but she was the face of everything maternity; magazines, fashion, breastfeeding tips, and on top of that, L’Oreal had chosen her as one of their select faces so she had weekly photoshoots to add to our already busy schedule. She made time for her foundation and was always on the phone emailing back and forth with her board getting things launched so that they could be up and running after the baby was born. She made precious time for her roommates, who I decided to let hang out with us at least one night a week because it was getting to the point that I was only seeing her when we had our mandatory ‘be seen outside as a couple’ events.

On the rare day when she didn’t just strip naked and fall into bed from exhaustion, she would come home and get into a pair of my athletic pants and one of my tank tops that showed her growing soft breasts out of the sides, grab a salad, sit on my couch, eat, and play video games. Her sweet little face crunched and grimaced as she tried to annihilate things. Her belly was big, but like a ball placed in the middle of her body. Her limbs were still strong and lean. Since I’d have work to do when I got home, we’d each go to our corners for a few hours to decompress. When Kylie sighed, I’d know it was the signal that she and I would have our much needed and cherished time together.

“I’m almost done here,” I said as I finished up writing an email to a real estate firm in France where I’d just brokered a deal for a new virtual reality themed amusement park.

It was quite an exciting venture as virtual worlds would allow guests to experience life unlike they’d ever known. Everything was so realistic; it was like you were actually there. We had space worlds, underwater worlds, fairy kingdoms, battle scenes, and places around the world. I agreed to it because I knew once it was finished, Kylie would love it. It was innovative and kept my thoughts away from all the madness Kylie and I were caught up in.

“Good.” She looked up at me with that sweet amazing smile that I didn’t think I’d ever tire of seeing.

As soon as I sat on the couch, she snuggled in, and her hand swirled around my cock, which was usually semi-erect just thinking of her. I loved her swollen belly and the meat she now had on her ass and thighs. I adored kneading her bigger breasts, sucking on her thick round areolas, which had darkened and spread during her pregnancy. We had found out at her OBGYN appointment several months back that we were having a boy. I couldn’t have been more thrilled. We planned on naming him Elijah because she loved the name, and I thought it was fitting. As my middle name was Douglas, we planned on naming him the same. Elijah Douglas Blair.