Page 59 of Fake

“It all sounds fine. Listen, I have another phone call coming in, and I’ve got to take it. Fax the documents to my private line, and I’ll run them by my lawyer, sign them, and return so we can get started. Thank you, gentlemen.” To the sounds of shocked grumbling and words, I didn’t understand I ended the call before Kylie came all over my sofa.

I loved the panicked look on her face when she saw me end the call earlier than she expected. She hadn’t quite put herself over the edge, so it was really fun knowing I had that to look forward to.

“Get your hands out of there, that’s mine!” I did everything in my power to sound hot and commanding.

“I haven’t signed any contracts yet.” She slipped off the couch and tried to dart into the bathroom, but with three long strides and a flail of my arms, she was caught.

“No fair.” She writhed in my grasp.

“Fair? I’m sorry, sucking my cock while I’m on a conference call for a multimillion-dollar deal … now that … that’s so fair. How about creaming my nice furniture? I hardly think that fair, no … so, grabbing you and dragging you back to bed, or maybe the shower, that will be plenty fair.” She tried to dive for her pants, but I pulled her away. “You definitely won’t be needing those.” I hoisted her over my shoulder and walked her to the bed. “Bed or shower? Decide. I’m good either way.”

“What happened to sex was my domain.” She did her best to gain ground while perched on my shoulder.

“That opportunity passed the minute you dug my batter out of my dugout. Now, everything is fair game.” I laughed, mocking, playing on the word ‘fair’.

Suddenly, I had a wild woman on my shoulder, and I had to clamp down to hold her steady until I tossed her onto the bed. Not hard, she was pregnant but playful. I anticipated her scurrying off again, and so I pounced on her and held her down with my body weight.

“I have to pee …” Lies.

“Great, so you choose the shower …you can pee in there.” I lifted her up again and seemed to really panic. “No!” She kicked and squirmed and then, honestly bit my shoulder.

That’s when the fun ended. I took a deep breath and let her go. My arm instinctively massaged the subtle wound on my bicep.

“Sorry.” She bit her lip and rolled away from me to sit on the edge of the bed looking out to the city.

“So … you wanna tell me why you went all velociraptor on me?” I sat beside her.

“I wanted to be okay. I tried. I thought … I like you Alec, sex with you is amazing. If I just concentrated on the nice you, I’d be okay. I could do this. Just for a bunch of months and it would be over.” She hung her head. “You have to be gentle, Alec. I thought I’d be okay, that I was over it.”

“You don’t have to tell me about what happened if you don’t want to, but if you and I are going to try and make this work, you have to be honest. If playing rough with you or my being naturally dominant triggers something, I have to know. I’ve made a lot of changes here, but I’m not capable of a full makeover, so we need words. The only way I can be good for you is to know you better. Talk to me.” I took her hand and smoothed my fingers over her soft skin.

“I was fifteen. He was at one of the foster homes. Not the father or anything but a friend of theirs. It was a Fourth of July pool party … the first time. There were so many times.” Her tears silently fell. “I couldn’t speak. No one knew for months … until I got pregnant when I was sixteen.” Now the tears were full-blown. “I didn’t keep it. It was so horrible, I promised I’d never … that if I got pregnant, I’d have the baby.”

I gathered her into my arms as she sobbed.

“We are having this baby, Kylie. I promise you our child is going to be so crazy adored and spoiled. You should have never had to go through what you endured.” My fingers gently stroked her chin as I turned her face to me. “I want to adore and spoil you too. Let me. If I ever get to be too much, just look at me and ask me to stop. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be taken against my will. That never enters my mind when I play with you. I just think about rocking your world with some dark swagger. I never thought you actually knew what true darkness felt like.” I kissed her softly. “I have an idea. I’ll keep my cock in my trousers for the time being and we’ll re-pant you, and if you’ll let me, I want to take you on a little adventure. We need to be back by Wednesday for our first big couple’s day, but if you’ll allow me, let me spoil you a little.