Page 57 of Fake

I unzipped his trousers and wiggled my fingers into the opening causing him to flinch just as someone at his work answered.

“Hi, Troy. Conference me in on my cell when Tanaka San calls in. I’m not coming into the office today. I’m sorry, what?” His voice turned icy, and I worried only for a moment. “No, I haven’t seen it. Whatever, I’ll be here, just call when everyone is ready. I’ll talk to PR after. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled.” With that, he ended the call and threw the phone onto the bed.

“What was that about?” I asked while digging out his cock.

“We’re being asked to do the Ellen show. The video of you fainting after I asked you to marry me and announcing your pregnancy has gone viral and,” he lunged across me to pick up my engagement ring from the bed stand, “Tiffany’s has named this the ‘Kylie Forever Diamond.’ Not bad for half a day’s work.”

Suddenly, I wasn’t so into sex as he slid the ring onto my finger.

“So, this is a day or I’m sorry half a day’s work?” I stopped trying to pilfer his cock and stared at him.

“Well, I’m not sure. Where is this heading?” He grabbed my hand. “You were rummaging around my Armani’s, and you asked me to stay home. I obliged. I assume you’re taking the lead on this … what’s your plan?” He was being kinda funny and also kinda angry.

“I don’t know.” I pulled my hand out of his pants and surrendered. “You’re like a drug for me, but I make such horrible choices when I’m around you.”

“As compared to the stellar choices you were making before me?”

“Maybe.” I shrugged.


“Ugh, not really.” Suddenly I was so frustrated. “I just moved in with a man I don’t know. You could be anyone, Alec and having sex with you? Where is that leading? We’re already pregnant.”

“Sex is fun and feels fucking amazing, but what are your goals? I mean despite waking up my cock and leaving me stranded?”

“Build up my non-profit, help Avery with her fashion brand, raise a kid … oh God to raise a kid. Fall in love with someone who wants to love me. What am I doing?” I was freaked.

“Nothing that impedes those goals. Why not have a little fun on the journey? I can’t say where we’ll be tomorrow. Wednesday, yes, we have a schedule … and there’s the Webber play.” He was teasing. “But you and I? I can’t say what we’re doing. If you think I’m being an opportunist, I don’t have to be. I certainly don’t need to move a complete stranger into my home; my sanctuary. I don’t put on big shows of affection … I like being vague. I’m famous, arguably as famous as you are, but I prefer to lay low. In fact, I’ve made a few bad choices myself; however, I’m ready to wing it and let you do whatever you were about to do … because that looked like it was going in an interesting direction.”

‘Nothing to impede those goals.’ So, love was on the table. He hadn’t ruled that prospect out. For whatever reason, that made me happier, and so I continued on my path of destruction because Alec Blair made me crazy.

“You mean this?” I tucked my hand back into his pants, feeling a little better after he just laid it all out.

“Yes, exactly that.” He jutted his pelvis forward as I pulled out his semi-erect cock, just when his phone rang. I smiled at him with a devilish look in my eyes.

“This is a very important call, Kylie!” he warned as I continued to work his dick with my hand.

“Aren’t they all?” I disregarded him as I smoothed my thumb over the swelling tip of his cock.

His manhood was massive. Seeing it in the morning light it looked even bigger than when I first met it.

“Konichiwa,” Alec stared down at me threatening; it felt nice to be the one holding him captive.

I thought about what I might actually do to him for a moment as my fingers tickled his member making him squirm. I decided I’d make this quite a production as I was pretty sure I’d have to reap the consequences for my actions as soon as that phone call ended, so whatever I did had to be good. I gave him a sultry grin while he addressed the participants of the conference call and then seemed to be listening to a speaker.

I let go of him, and for a moment, he almost looked disappointed, but my kittenish expression told him I wasn’t letting him off the hook. I darted into the bathroom to retrieve my lavender-infused coconut oil and came back to the bed as I sensuously lathered it over my hands making a show of greasing each finger as they eventually came back to his spear.