Page 56 of Fake

“Sorry. I just needed to retreat.” I figured it was time, to be honest.

“I get it. If I were you, I’d hate me right now.” He sat next to me on the bed.

“I don’t hate you.” A laugh bubbled out of me. “I’ve been attracted to you from the moment you looked up at me at Greg’s shitty bar. I just … my heart—Boom!” I made an explosion with my hands. “And ever since that moment, I’ve just been looking for the pieces and trying to put me back together. And when I do … I’m pregnant and all of this … I don’t even know where I am anymore. All I’ve ever wanted to do was not get hurt by you. At first, it meant hoping you’d want more of me than a one-night stand, but now you want so much of me I’m afraid I’m going to get hurt. I guess because none of it is love.”

He manhandled me into a side hug.

“You walked over to me at the bar looking like a Lost Boy and you were Kylie Morgan. I wanted you. I still want you and fantasize about doing wicked things that I can’t or shouldn’t do to you. And then you’re this strong, broken beauty who’s having my baby, and I honestly don’t know where I am either. One thing I do feel though is that you might break.” He looked at me, so big and manly, yet gentle.

“Is that why you’re being so nice then? You’re worried that I might be too fragile? You were Lord of New York before and now … now it’s like you’re Daddy Warbucks.”

“God forbid … I can’t imagine losing my hair. Listen, I still need to fuck you and do whatever evil you’ll allow, but you just … you’re different now, this whole situation has changed.” His hand stroked my knee.

I couldn’t help laughing. “Need to fuck me? Really?”

“Oh, trust me, really! If I didn’t have a ten o’clock meeting, I’d want you on all fours … after breakfast of course—you should eat more—and then I’d fuck you so hard!” God, I was getting wet just thinking about it.

“How hard?” I screwed my face into a funny grimace.

“It’d be a challenge to sit down, walk, think of walking … I’d have to carry you everywhere.” His voice graveled to a deep growl.

“Don’t you already?” I was up for a fight. “Besides what happened to ‘The sexual ball is in your court,’ or whatever. Aren’t I supposed to be calling the shots, and maybe I should fuck you so hard your cock’ll need crutches.” I placed my hands on my hips and faced off with him.

“I’d just take my crippled cock, stick it in that mouthy little mouth of yours and give you a proper spanking. I’d get your ass all red, swollen and hot, and then impale you on my broken cock hard until you finally knew your place.” He was deep into this.

“You mean my place on your cock … like a shish kabob?” I couldn’t help laughing at him, such a grandiose mother fucker. He laughed too; it was nice, just having fun. “You need to get out more,” I teased. “Your weird sexual fetishes seem like delusions of grandeur. You should probably see someone about that.”

“Oh, trust me, I get out plenty, and the only person I need to see about my sexual proclivities is you,” he playfully threatened with a glare.

“If you want a human skewered on your penis, take her to your other house, okay? I’m not into that, and no spanking either. Maybe a swat because that damn hand of yours loses control sometimes, but if you go all BDSM on me, I walk out the door. I’m good with having fun, maybe cracking out a Kama Sutra book or Aunt Lily’s Sessions for Seduction, but if you bring out whips, chains, and knives consider me gone, gone, gone.” I glared at him.

“If you’re chained to the bed, I can’t see that happening.” I wasn’t sure if he was teasing or not.

“It is a very possible possibility there will be police involved, Sir, if you continue with this line of thought,” I wagged my finger and scolded.

“Oh, goodie?”

“Were you not hugged as a kid?” I cocked my head and smiled.

“Hugged?” He cocked his head in response, playfully, and I tackled him.

It was an idiotic move, but oh so fun. “How long until your meeting?” I asked, suddenly needing him in the worst way.

“I have to be on a conference call in fifteen minutes.” His voice was equally as breathless as mine.

“Tell them you’ll make the call from home.” I was already feeling his hardening cock through his cashmere slacks as it bulged into my palm.

“Toss me the phone,” he demanded, and I obliged.