Page 48 of Fake

The driver was about to open it, but I made a point of gently nudging him away. I gave her my hand, and she took it as cameras flashed in our faces. The paparazzi were good at finding me, granted I practically put my entire itinerary on blast having tweeted that I was about to take it to the next level with a very beautiful dinner date who was worth infinitely more than one and a half million dollars. Hashtag Lucques is for lovin’. I gave her my arm, and she took it, stiffening with stress.

As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by a line of waiters and staff all leading to one single table set with two plates and a candle between us. Though the paparazzi were not allowed in the restaurant, they lined every one of the windows outside to see the entire restaurant was empty but for the staff and the two of us.

“You closed down Lucques?” She had a hard time speaking. “That must have cost …”

“More than one and a half million dollars? No, but it was rather pricey, that’s for sure.”

She began to shake, and I brought her in closer.

“I have billions, plural as in many … too many.” I kept her close as we walked to our table.

“But you didn’t have to do this. People could use this money.” Poor woman, she had tons of money herself, but must still be frugal. I had more money than I could use in a lifetime.

“You know when I first met Maralis, I thought she was a bit of a bottom liner. Not too much personality and a lot of ‘What’s in it for me?’ but she was all over this. She knows you well. We agreed we couldn’t tell you about what was going on, or you’d be on a plane to Jamaica on a nonstop flight to self-destruction. I knew not to involve your posse, or I’d be looking down the barrel of a hit man’s gun, so this was the next best option. By the way, we will not be dining alone this evening. I just need you alone long enough to get you to hear me out and hopefully sign some paperwork.”

“There are paparazzi here. I don’t think they should see us signing paperwork,” she cautioned me. “They’ll know it’s all a fake.”

“Yes.” I picked up the large box behind me and handed it to her. “There is a secret compartment inside. Don’t throw the box away. I will explain the paperwork so if you have questions, I can answer them before our guests arrive.” I took a sip of water and motioned for the waiter who came immediately. “I’ll have a gin and tonic, and my date will have …” I looked over to Kylie. “What would you like to drink?”

“Just water please.” She definitely liked to stay hydrated, but by the queasy look on her face, I figured she couldn’t handle much more than water.

The drinks came quickly as I discussed specifics with Kylie.

“So, the contract states that you will live with me until the baby is born. You’ll continue to work and do your normal daily activities, but we will have at least three public outings a week and there are certain brands, experiences, and places we will go for publicity and marketing. To the world, you are going to be a reformed vixen, and I’m going to be a softened-up bachelor billionaire. We will get married, and our wedding is going to be lavish and expensive, just get ready for that. We will also have a honeymoon; again, it is going to be epic and very public. We will have our baby, and it is going to be as media-obsessive as a royal birth. These are non-negotiables in the contract. But … it is a contract; there will be an end date.” She looked at me with big wide eyes that were glossing over with tears. “This is a good thing, Kylie. Think of it as a business adventure. By the end of this, you’ll be a billionaire’s wife, you’ll have more money than you’ll know what to do with, our child will be known and respected, and your false deplorable reputation will be nothing but a childish misstep of your youth. I’m putting you on the lifeboat, sweetheart.”

She stared at me and said nothing at all, just sipped her water.

I took a deep breath and a healthy swig of my own drink.

“Thoughts?” I pressed.

“About what? Being held captive? Being a billionaire’s kept woman? Living a lie? Wow … I have so many thoughts right now, it’s really hard to pin just one down.” Oh good, she was being snarky, at least it was better than a zombie caught in headlights.

“Instead of thinking of yourself as a captive, think of me as your roommate and hopefully more … but we can cross that bridge when you land on planet Earth again. As far as being kept, do whatever you want with my money. I know you have your own money, use all of what I give you for your foundation. That way you aren’t being kept; you’re agreeing to a contract for a fixed amount of time for the betterment of the clients you serve. Think of it more like a lease than a sexual contract. And lastly, the lie. Well … isn’t that already a well-trod path for you? I didn’t think you were above it.” Boom … let that sink in.