Page 4 of Fake

No one paid us much attention as I knew they wouldn’t. These people were the salt of the earth. They had more interest in the basketball game and finding out what the latest trend in auto parts was than whether a billionaire and a supermodel were hooking up.

“I was drinking the Cupid’s Cup IPA. It’s this month’s brew.” There was that smile again.

God, she had an incredible set of teeth. The rest of her was hot, in a skinny model, perfectly fuckable kind of way, but her mouth … every time she spoke, I just thought of what that mouth would look like sucking hard on my dick. I was almost obsessed with knowing how deep her throat would go … not many women could handle me, but with her experience, I wondered.

I waved my hand for Greg. I’d invested in the place years ago, and it was a pretty damn good investment. Greg was a solid businessman, and I always drank for free; not that I cared, but it was a perk.

“I see you have a guest.” He smiled a too-big grin at Kylie, probably wanting her autograph or some ridiculous nonsense.

I decided not to offer her name.

“I’ll have another Scotch, and my friend here wants the Cupid’s Cup,” I threw out flatly.

I was an asshole. I liked being an asshole and had no intention of ever trading in my shitty personality. I got away with it; I was that good looking. In business, I’d butcher people and they still clamored to know me to close that deal. In bed, I fucked hard. I wasn’t above a few whips and bindings, and when I came, it was on my terms anywhere I damn well wanted it to go. Women always called back.

So, Kylie was going to be an easy one to score. All I had to do was decide if I wanted to fuck her. I mean, I wasn’t opposed to my dick getting some mainstream vagina, but from what I assumed, Kylie’s fields had been plowed by many a hoe. I wasn’t sure that was my scene.

“Yes, I’ll get your drinks right away, Mr. Blair.” Greg’s eyes lingered on Kylie, and her instincts had her dipping her head down.

It was a weird reaction from the nebulous of the universe.

“So, why do your roommates hound you about finding a man? I thought you were putting yourself out there.” I made sure to smirk; girls loved quirky smirking and inferred sexual dominance.

Her face reddened, and there was that weird giggle. Was this the same Kylie Morgan? I was almost expecting her to have me right on the table since she didn’t seem to care. She’d been naked in print so many times I didn’t even have to guess what she might look like. I already knew what I’d be getting. All I had to discover was how good she was in bed. If that’s how I wanted the night to go.

“They’re here.” Panic flashed across her face. “Just … um, you know … pretend.” She bit her lip, her nerves having fired up a kind of tension only virgins and cheaters show when they are about to do it.

“That’s pretty much all I can do at this point, but I’m good … we’re good.” I turned up the heat in my voice; suddenly having sex with her tonight was non-negotiable.

“Kyle!” A perky blonde rushed over to us making as much of a scene as to be expected by a drunk blonde fashion model in Kylie’s posse.

The other woman was a little heavier set, normal body weight for an average woman. Her sweet face had a tiny turned-up nose and thick pouty lips, but she wasn’t as spectacular as her supermodel friends.

Kylie stood to greet them with genuine hugs, no air patting. “You guys really shouldn’t have come.” She rolled her eyes and pulled out a chair for each of them, who awkwardly nodded to me and realized almost at the same time who I was. “This is Alec,” Kylie mentioned as she sat, and Greg brought our drinks.

“Can I get you, ladies, anything?” he asked most likely as his loins fired up because as a package the three women before me were goddesses descended from heaven.

“Oh, they aren’t staying.” Kylie’s stern glare made me laugh.

“We aren’t?” the cute girl asked.

“You aren’t,” Kylie confirmed. “Thank you.” She smiled at Greg as she took her drink. “So, Alec.” She was casual, I liked that. “This is Avery.” Her hand gracefully danced over to her hot model friend. “And,” the hand continued its sweeping motion, “Madison. My best friends on Earth. Ladies, this is Alec.”

“Are you freaking serious, Kyle?” Madison squeaked.

Kylie took a deep breath. I wasn’t sure if she had a comeback to the inevitable ‘are you serious’ line. I’d heard it several times before. I personally would say, ‘No.’ I never planned to get serious with anyone. I was finished with love. No one, not even Christian, my business partner, and the closest person to a friend I had, could convince me that one day there would be someone special enough to fill the Mrs. Blair role. It wasn’t going to happen. I loved variety; I loved fucking women and making them succumb to my whims, and more than anything, there was no way my heart was ever going out on the line again.