Page 39 of Fake

On shaky legs, I walked down the catwalk and to the far corner of the room where bar stools and tables were set up with our names on them, scrolled in gold with a bouquet of flowers before each. I kept trying to tell myself that the money was for charity and to help kids who didn’t have a chance to escape a night on the streets. There was water there for us with a sliver of lemon floating on the top. I guzzled the whole glass before Alec walked up to me wearing a dark gray tuxedo with a black tie and light blue pressed dress shirt.

“Over one million dollars,” his voice was velvet as he took a seat on the barstool across from me. “You are a hard woman to track down … and expensive.”

I took a breath. Don’t insult him, don’t insult him.

“The bidding was only at one hundred thousand, you could have saved your money.” I did my best to put lightness and mirth into my tone.

A waiter came to our table and asked, “Would you like something to drink?”

“We’ll have a bottle of your finest red wine, whatever it is.” Alec brushed the waiter off.

“None for me, thank you,” I interrupted. “I have a photoshoot tomorrow. Red wine makes my eyes puffy.” I tried not to make myself sound too vain or crazy.

“Is there anything else you want?” He seemed surprised I wouldn’t be drinking.

“Nope. I’m good with water.” I flashed him a smile.

“You really aren’t much of a drinker. Fine. I’ll just have a Belvedere and tonic.” He was short with the waiter, but I think that irritation was more directed at me than at him.

“Would you like to go to our table, or are you comfortable sitting here on the auction block?” Ah, that weird sense of humor he had.

“Let’s go to the table by all means.” I gathered up all of my dress, and he rose, maneuvering behind me to help.

“That’s quite a lot of dress you’ve got there. Beautiful, but I’d much rather see you out of it.” His voice dripped with seduction as a camera light flashed in our faces.

Photographers were all over the place as were fashion icons, models, actors, and musicians.

“Maybe I can make a tent out of it.” I grit my teeth as I smiled. “Since you bought the building, we were planning on using for my foundation.”

His hand rounded my back as he escorted me to a private area out of the fray. Marcus Danton approached us as we maneuvered through the people to get to our table.

“One point five million dollars … man, that is a helluva lot of cash to throw down. You won fair and square.” Marcus Danton walked up to Alec and shook his hand. “I was ready to go to half a mil.” He looked at me. “Kylie you’re worth so much more, but I have my funds tied up. May I?” He glanced at Alec as he took my hand and kissed it. “Let’s have lunch next week.”

“I’d love to.” I flashed Marcus a big smile.

He was a rapper friend of mine, and he was loaded, almost as rich as Alec but not quite. That was really sweet of him to bid so high.

“You can’t just waltz in here and book lunch with my date.” I think Alec was trying to make a joke, but he sounded oddly serious.

“My bad, she’s on your dime now.” Marcus let Alec’s weirdness just roll off his back as he flashed me a smile and left.

By the time we reached our table, there were more photographers and well-wishers. It was all becoming very overwhelming, and I did appreciate Alec realizing I couldn’t take much more of the night’s intensity. I was either going to have to be whisked somewhere private or taken out of the place. It was my event, though. I had to at least stay for dinner.

“You okay?” The note of genuine concern in his voice was sweet.

“It’s been a really long day, and with all the buzz and the people, I’m just feeling light-headed. Maybe I need to eat.” The room was definitely off-kilter, and my stomach rolled with nausea.

Alec raised his hand to get the host’s attention. “You definitely need to eat.” A hostess came to him within moments, and he whispered something into her ear. After he was done talking to the host he turned to me. “You’re looking a little rounder these days,” he threw out there. “I love seeing a little meat on your bones, though you’re still too skinny …”

“I’m a model,” I was about to protest when the head of security neared our table.

“May I help you, Mr. Blair?’ He was kind and yet just a little concerned.

“As you know, I’ve just spent a lot of money on my date here, and I’d be ever so glad if you could station a guard near our table. I’d like to have a private conversation with Ms. Morgan without interruptions.” Wow, he iced over fast.