Page 26 of Fake

“Moshi Moshi,” Tanaka San answered on the other line.

“Tanaka San, Bulairu San des.” I grunted out the only Japanese I knew, other than ‘thank you and hello”

“Bulairu San. Hi, just on time thank you. Okay, we have a green light from the city. We break ground next month. You have to be there for that and to sign the papers for phase two.” He started … all business as usual.

“I’ll be there, fine, but I haven’t approved the designs for phase two. I have notes. I emailed them to your account last night.” I was back to being a businessman and a professional asshole again.

To pass the time, which would inevitably be filled with mundane pushback on Tanaka’s end, I turned on my computer and hit the internet. Usually I just mindlessly web surfed when I was bored with negotiations; I knew I’d eventually win. But instead, I sought out pictures of Kylie … anything I could find. Modeling campaigns, art photographs, baby pictures from a fan site. She had a torrid reputation online, though nothing explicitly said she was sleeping with anyone, it was implied everywhere.

For the moment I was happy she had come to the bar incognito. The only person who saw her really was Greg, and if he said anything, he knew I’d pull the plug on his funding, so we were in the clear. It felt oddly safe having her in my sanctuary where no one knew she was actually having sex with me. From the shy way she made love and her reluctance to surrender, she couldn’t have fucked more than a few guys at most and none recently as she was tighter than a virgin. I found myself getting painfully hard looking at the pictures.

I glanced outside … still dark. Damn. As soon as the call was over, I was going in for more … that was guaranteed. I even flirted with the idea, as I had all night, of making her come back or just fucking stay all day.

“Yes, well. I’m sorry, but I’m not moving on the issue. No way is there going to be any kind of statue in the park. I want an inverted fountain, and a modern, state of the art splash pad with lights and music. This is Tokyo for Christ’s sake. I want it high tech. We’ll rent the place for big events, music festivals, etc. It’s going to be a draw in the summer, and we can do nighttime light shows. In the winter we’ll cover it up and make an ice-skating rink. All under Blair/Tanaka Enterprises. We get every fucking revenue dollar. So, I’m going to hang up now. I have other things to do. Just know when I’m in Tokyo next month, I’m not signing anything that has a fucking statue on it … understand?”

“Hai, Blalairu San, wakata …” Whatever the fuck he said.

I was so irritated I didn’t see her standing there. I had several pictures of her recent art pictorial where she was topless with another woman and carousel horses and in gender-bending poses where she often looked like a topless teenager. I didn’t actually see her there but heard her huff behind me, no doubt some sort of commentary on my looking at her pictures, naked with my cock flagging to the ceiling.

“Sayonara,” I said as I clicked off the phone and closed the window on her pictures.

“Please tell me,” her voice was almost desperate. “You’re not selling a story to Japan about us … please. I know, I know … I have slept with a lot of people, but it’s all contractual and fake … I … I …”

I had to stop her.

“No that was a business deal. I want this as hushed as you do. The pictures … well, you caught me there.” Her face brightened as soon as I let her off the hook.

“Oh, thank God, I was so worried.” She blushed a little seeing my aroused state and letting the fact that I was internet sleuthing her sink in.

“It’s not really morning enough; you should go grab a few more hours of sleep at least. I’ll order from Eastfield’s when they open.” I rolled my neck and tried to ease away the tension, a fourteen-foot statue of someone I didn’t care about out of my brain.

“I thought I might make love to you,” she said as she walked over and dropped gracefully to her knees; fuck she was sexy.

Her gentle fingers slid over my cock and directed it hungrily into her mouth. She’d get no protest from me. She worked her mouth and hands over me hard, and since I’d been aroused for hours, I wasn’t surprised when my pre-cum bubbled into her mouth and had her gagging just a little.

“Not a big fan of swallowing?”

She wiped her mouth after she’d popped it off of me.