Page 2 of Fake

Avery’s family was my go-to for the holidays, and Madison’s family took me on vacation with them. So, the fact that my posse was heading over to the bar most likely very drunk and bored waiting for me to show up to a party I never intended to be at, was no surprise at all. Now, I either had to cower before them and fess up to making up the date or make a deal with someone at the bar to stand in for me. There wasn’t anyone I could call; my girls knew every one of my fakes. So, I scanned the bar for a guy I could beg to be my boyfriend for a minute. I was Kylie Morgan, the hottest supermodel of all time … or so Time Magazine said … I could do this. This whole night was supposed to be me getting away from all of that, but who was I kidding?

I could do it; I bucked myself up. I only had to stay with him long enough to convince the posse I didn’t need their intervention or any further inquisition. I scanned the single tables around the room looking for the perfect ‘date’. At one table was a dapper-looking man in a golf hat who might have been in his late nineties. My heart panged a little seeing him sitting alone nursing a beer. It got a bit lighter when the waitress came by and gave him some love. He must have been a regular. From what I could gather of the conversation, he always came in on Wednesdays and ordered one Guinness. He probably didn’t even know it was Valentine’s Day.

The next single table had a gorgeous woman wearing a sapphire satin dress. Though there were rumors about me having a preference for women as I’d been seen kissing a few, they weren’t true. My kisses with women, most of them with other models, had all been staged to look like I was sexually fluid. I actually wasn’t into women. It made me laugh a little because the woman sitting alone at the table in front of me was really hot. Perhaps it would have made things easier if I was into girls. By the way, she was looking at her watch, though, she was waiting for someone who must have been late. I moved on.

The only other single occupant at a table was a man who seemed to be a bit older than me wearing a very expensive suit. His fine wool outfit and designer Italian leather shoes screamed money, money, money. Usually, that was a run for the hills as fast I can moment for me because money meant lots of people in your business. For the purpose of just getting this over with, money would have to do. He wasn’t bulging with muscles but had the kind of physique that held up a designer suit really well.

Because his back was turned to me, I couldn’t see his face. I didn’t really care what his face looked like; this was only going to be for a minute just to throw my roommates off my trail. I fully intended to return to my little booth in the corner and watch the rest of the basketball game they had blaring across all the screens. I didn’t really even like basketball much, but as I was sitting there with my craft-brewed IPA, I had gotten into it. My heart started to race with nerves at the thought of engaging in conversation with a stranger, but the thought of being beaten down by my roommates for ‘not getting myself out there’ again, was insufferable. I pulled up my ratty ass jeans and made my move.

“Hi,” I started. It was innocent enough.

The guy was a little startled when he looked up from his phone but not more surprised than me. His fine sculpted features and rugged five o’clock shadow had my insides clenching. He looked at me with seductive light brown eyes and a knowing smirk, and I almost lost my ability to speak His short-cropped hair was spiked and styled to perfection, and I could smell the faint aroma of Versace Eros in the air.

“I am so sorry to bother you.” I’m sure I was gushing, damn, I knew I was gushing. “I’m Kylie Morgan.” Stupid, I’m stupid.

“I know who you are,” his deep baritone voice raked over my vagina … damn.

“Really? And I thought I was being so clever with the beanie and the ill-fitting jeans …” Ugh damn, I was so far off my game …”

“You’re pretty unmistakable in whatever you wear … or don’t,” he added as if he were undressing me with his words. “I saw you come in. Do you need anything?” Now he sounded irritated.

“Yeah, actually I do. It’s kind of embarrassing …” I bit my lip and tried to breathe as my heart bounced like a ping pong ball in my chest.