Page 18 of Fake

“I’m good.” I smiled at him, proud of our work. “So … good.” I kissed his neck and up to his chin and the scruff of hair that pricked my lips.

“Okay … hold on.” His smile was the Devil again.

“What? Wait!” I held his shoulders as he started the slow grinding dance again. This time instead of keeping steady, his movement grew in intensity, and soon my mind was splintering and blowing as his body rocked hard, deeper and deeper into mine. He rolled us over so that I was on my back and lay in hard as his hips dug himself deeper, and again everything was Alec Blair.

Every breath I took, the smells, the feelings, my heart, my soul, every piece of me was him as he slowed and sped up, dove deeper and pulled out only to press himself in again. Instinctively, my pussy sucked his cock with my Kegel muscles massaging him, taming his invasion.

“What the hell, Kylie,” his enthralled voice rang out in the air. “God, you are so tight and wow … wow …” Good, I’d reduced him to a blathering mess.

Served him right sticking that big ol’ thing in me and blasting my world apart. A little of his own torture was definitely due. Though at that point, matching his sexual prowess was not at the forefront of my consciousness, no, the tightening knot in my belly that had a dragline attached to my vagina was the only thing I had going on in that very instant.

My vagina was twirling and whirling and making herself drunk on his thrusts and pulls. So, when he leaned his entire body weight into me with a groan that said he was about to reach heaven, I did the same. My legs curled around his back, and I pressed up into the place where there was absolutely no more space. It was he and I only, the last two people in the world when I shuddered and bucked on him hard, spasming with a climax so intense I thought I might pass out. I came, and he did the same.

He grunted and growled and bore down as I felt hotness pulse out of him. His body did all the work as he gently convulsed one load after the other into me, having no more control over his body than I did mine. When he was done, he slowly pulled out of me, taking most of my vagina with him. When he was gone, I felt empty.

“Holy fucking hell …” he whispered as he drew me up closer.

I still wasn’t ready to talk. Everything on me was buzzing and heavy. I couldn’t find myself after I’d been so lost in him. I’d had sex with two men before, one was a good lover, did his thing, made me cum, but Alec … wow. All we really had was sex. I came to his home only for this moment as I had no idea who was behind the man on the cover of Forbes magazine.

Yet having sex with him was so intimate, so intense … it overwhelmed me. I found it hard as I laid there swirling in the afterglow trying to remain detached, unaffected—just fucking for the night. I didn’t want to cry. I held it in so hard I bit my lip and stopped breathing, but it didn’t help. I felt the bed move as he turned to face me, perhaps sensing the change in my breathing.

“Are you okay?” He sounded genuine … loving.

“I … I …” Damn those fucking tears.

“Woah.” hHs finger traced the first tear to fall and wiped it away. “What’s this? Did I hurt you? Did I … are you scared?” He seemed genuinely confused.

“No, I’m okay … I’m … it’s just … intense. So …” I couldn’t hold them back; they came and were almost sobs.

I expected him to stiffen and start his slow climb, to ‘I think it’s time we call it a night.’ I mean we fucked right? That was the goal. Fuck, one night, no strings, get it on and go … I just, I wasn’t ready for the go part.

“I think I know what this is.” He backed away just a little, maybe to assess me, maybe to distance himself.

We hadn’t committed to emotions.

I wiped my own tears and tried to rally. I had to get out of there. If I wasn’t going to stay, then I had to go. I couldn’t let Alec get into my head. He was already too much. I took a deep breath and looked at him.

“Do you mind if I take a shower before I go?” I asked in a small and distant voice.

He laughed at me, grabbed my waist, and pinned my body between his legs. “You’re not going anywhere.” He kissed each of my nipples to bring his point home. “We’re only just getting started.”