Page 10 of Fake

Oh, the snarky little devil, no wonder her modeling agency took the bad girl approach.

“Oh, I can cook. But I’d rather we eat each other.” My expression darkened, and I thought long and hard about what she might taste like.

If she tasted half as good as she smelled, we were going to have a really long night of fucking ahead. Who was I kidding? We were going to have it anyway. I didn’t care; I’d gone to work without sleep before. I wasn’t sure what her day was going to look like; it was a school night, but I didn’t care.

“So, you are a vampire.” She took out her phone and fired up an app. “The Green Leaf can have something here in twenty minutes,” she said, about to order something on her phone.

“I’m afraid you’re going to be naked with your ass in the air in twenty minutes.” I laughed. “Maybe I can find something to whip up for us.” I winked at the word ‘whip.’

“I doubt you’ll conquer me so quickly. I’m good with anything. A salad, PB and J, just food … any kind of food sounds amazing.” Her eyes grew big as I opened my refrigerator.

In it were a few bottles of water, an apple, and a huge roasted turkey. My housekeeper, Ms. Castle had caterers on call. Everything was brought in and neatly discarded with when I was done. Saved a little work for her because I much preferred to eat out. The turkey was something she made because her cousin had harvested a few turkeys on their ranch, and Ms. Castle thought it would be a nice treat for me.

“As you can see, I’m a little low on options.” I was about to close the refrigerator and move to the cupboard when Kylie stopped me. “We can just nuke the turkey. I’m good; it’s Keto.”

“Nuke? I assume you’re referring to a microwave?”

She nodded her head. “Don’t tell me the Lord of Manhattan doesn’t own a microwave.” She rolled her eyes.

“Why would I?” I turned on the oven and prepared to reheat the turkey. “This should take about ten minutes. There’s a convection function. So, my question has been answered, and quite elaborately, I must say. My turn.” I turned and strode toward her like a cat ready to pounce on a rat.

“Wait? You have to tell me what you’re going to do first.” She panicked as her back stiffened.

“That isn’t one of the rules.” I continued my advance.

She breathed. “Aren’t we going to eat first?”

“No.” I reached her and lifted her off the chair as she squealed.

“Alec, no!” She went rigid in my arms.

I took her seat on the barstool and placed her in my lap; she weighed absolutely nothing. In this position, my cock was between her legs, but we were both fully clothed. I needed her to get a feel for my size. Her tiny stature was going to present a problem for us. I’d worked with slim women before, we would make it fit, but I didn’t want her too surprised when I unleashed the beast.

“I promise. Clothes stay on. We have ten minutes for the turkey to get warmed up. So, that’s ten minutes for me to play with you fully dressed.” I nibbled at her neck, and her pussy heated up. I stared at her dead on. “Scared?”

“Not yet.” Her eyes met mine.

“Good. Nothing wrong with a little bump and grind.” I pulled out my phone and found “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye.

It was the perfect kind of cheesiness.

“No, you didn’t just do that.” She looked at my phone.

“The next song is better. Two songs, ten minutes. Then you get another question … and something to eat.” I didn’t give her time to protest. My mouth was on hers, and I pressed her down onto my cock, pulsing into her with gentle rhythmic strokes in time to the music.

It had been a while since I’d dry-humped anyone. Most of the women I took to bed wanted to be there. Kylie was a strange anomaly. As I rocked into her, I realized how sweet and oddly innocent she was. Not my kind of woman at all … but intriguing, beguiling. When I ground into her, she stiffened and breathed. Most women would have been squirming on me, but she … she took it like it was a chore. Strange.

I decided to focus on kissing her, and that went much better. In fact, I eventually shifted her into a bridal style position and just focused on her mouth. She was an excellent kisser, that, she must have done a lot. I was so tempted to feel the pert breasts that had been poking through the shirt all night, naughty little thing not wearing a bra, but I was pretty sure that would be a ticket to ‘call me an Uber please.’ I needed to give this time to marinate.