Page 75 of The Guest

“Then I hope you’re going to ask him to leave?” Iris had said.

“I would, but he’s leaving after the christening, so we only have to put up with him for another two weeks.”

She’d felt a flood of relief. “Is he?”

“Yes, I thought I’d told you. Hugh mentioned it when we met for a drink last week.”

Now, all that stood in the way of her peace of mind was the christening.

Her appetite gone, she put her bowl on the side and went to see if Beth was ready. Her bedroom door was still closed and, remembering that Beth had come back from Esme’s in the early hours of the morning, Iris knocked softly. “Beth?”

“Hm.” Her reply came sleepily. “Come in.”

Iris pushed open the door and Beth emerged, tousle-headed, from under the bedclothes.

“Morning,” she said, propping herself up on her pillows. “What time is it?”

“Coming up for ten thirty.”

“What?” Beth grabbed her mobile to check. “How can it be so late?”

“You didn’t come back from Esme’s until after one,” Iris reminded her.

Beth grimaced. “Did I wake you? Sorry.”

“No, I was awake and heard the door.” Iris sat down on her bed. “Dad’s gone out and he won’t be back until this afternoon, so we can have lunch out.”

“On his bike?”


“He seems better lately. Not so depressed.”

Iris smoothed Beth’s bedcovers. “I think he knows that life has to go on. Maybe having seen so much death in such a short space of timehas made him realize how precious life is.” She gave Beth’s leg a nudge. “What time do you think you’ll be ready?”

Beth lay her head back against the pillows. “Actually, Mum, do you mind if I take a rain check? I feel like a lie-in this morning. But feel free to go without me.”

“Oh.” Iris’s happiness deflated like a balloon. “I need to buy a dress for the christening next week, so yes, I’ll go.” She paused. “I was hoping you’d help me choose.”

“Sorry Mum. I’m really tired.”

“It’s fine.” Iris moved from the bed, hiding her disappointment. “Is there anything you need? I’ll stop off at the supermarket on the way home.”

Beth shook her head. “I can’t think of anything.”

“Okay—well, enjoy the rest. Will you be having dinner with us tonight?”

Guilt flooded Beth’s face. “I told Esme I’d have dinner with them.”

“Okay, no problem. See you later maybe.”

She left the room, swallowing down tears of self-pity. Were she and Gabriel really so hard to be around? Iris thought about how they pounced on Beth whenever she came into the room, eager to have someone else to talk to, because they were unable to talk to each other. Had Beth worked out that she was the glue holding her and Gabriel together? It was a huge weight to carry. Iris couldn’t blame her for preferring to spend time with Esme and Hugh.

She felt it then, a massive mix of loss and jealousy.

Half an hour later, Iris parked her car in town and began the hunt for a dress. She was coming out of a boutique when she spotted Hugh on the other side of the road.

“Hugh!” she called over the sound of the traffic.