Page 57 of The Guest

“I’m afraid they haven’t, not yet.” PC Locke pulled up a chair and sat down. “You may already know that Mr. Sullivan has given us a satisfactory explanation for the argument you overheard between him and Laure.” She paused. “It seems that he wanted Laure to tell you they were in a relationship and Laure didn’t want to, because she didn’t think you’d approve, because of Pierre. And the reason he disappeared after was because he was called away urgently to take a friend to hospital.”

Iris nodded. “Esme. I know, she told me.” It occurred to her that PC Locke might think she’d been trying to pervert the course of justice. “I’m sorry if I misled you,” she added.

“No, not at all. You were right to mention it.” There was another pause. “Mr. Sullivan mentioned that he thought Laure might have been getting under your feet. Had she been? Getting under your feet?”

“No, not at all. We were happy to have her with us.”

“What about you, Gabriel? Did you feel the same way?”

“Yes, absolutely.”

PC Locke smiled. “Well, I won’t keep you any longer. Don’t get up, I can see myself out.”


Gabriel came clattering down the stairs and burst into the kitchen.

“It’s the police,” he said. “I’ve just seen their car pull up outside. PC Locke and someone else, a man.”

Iris’s hand flew to her heart. “Maybe they’ve found Pierre.”

“Let’s hope so.”

They waited until the police rang on the bell, then waited some more. Gabriel went to let them in and Iris stayed in the kitchen.

“Hello, Iris,” PC Locke said, appearing in the doorway. “This is PC Ramesh, my colleague.” She turned to Gabriel. “I don’t suppose we could have some tea, could we?”


Alarm bells started ringing as Gabriel lifted the kettle from its base and filled it with water. PC Locke had never accepted their offer of tea before. And she usually came on her own.

PC Locke pulled out a chair and sat down opposite Iris. PC Ramesh took the place next to his colleague, leaving the place beside Iris for Gabriel.

“Do you take sugar?” Gabriel asked, taking four mugs from thecupboard and placing them on the countertop. Iris watched as he maneuvered them into a straight line, a sign that he too sensed that something wasn’t right.

“One, please,” PC Ramesh said.

“No, thanks.” PC Locke gave Iris a smile but it didn’t reach her eyes.

The kettle clicked off and they all watched Gabriel as he poured water into the mugs, then stirred the teabags around for a moment before lifting them out, one by one, and putting them in the bin, one by one. By the time he’d placed the mugs on the table, along with some sugar, a carton of milk, and four teaspoons, the tension in the kitchen was palpable.

“Thank you,” PC Locke said, once Gabriel had sat down and they’d passed around the milk. She lifted her mug and took a small sip of tea and they all did the same, even though it was too hot to drink.

“The French police have found Pierre,” she said.

Breath whooshed out of Iris. “Thank God.”

“It’s not good news, I’m afraid.”

“What do you mean?” Gabriel’s voice had risen sharply.

Iris reached for his hand and squeezed it, as much for her sake as for his.

“There’s no easy way to say this,” PC Locke said. “I’m sorry to have to tell you that Pierre is dead.”

There was a terrible silence. “What?”

“Our French colleagues found his body earlier today.”