Page 55 of The Guest

“That’s what they’re trying to establish.”

“I can’t bear the thought that he doesn’t know about Laure. It seems wrong.”

“I know how difficult this is for you, Iris, so I’m not going to keep you. I just stopped by to tell you that Mr. Sullivan has been taken in for questioning, so he won’t be at work today.”

“Mr. Sullivan?”


She stared, shocked. “You’ve arrested him?”

“No, we just need to ask him a few questions.”

Iris buried her head in her hands. “I wish I hadn’t said anything.”

“You did right to tell us what you overheard,” PC Locke said firmly. “It’s about eliminating him from our inquiries.”

“But Laure’s death was an accident, wasn’t it?”

“It’s our job to look at all possibilities.” She turned to leave. “As soon as I have any news, I’ll be in touch.”

Iris waited until she’d gone, then went back to the kitchen.

“What did she want?” Gabriel asked.

She sank into a chair. “Everything is such a mess. They’ve taken Joseph in for questioning.” She looked up at him. “Do you think they’ll tell Joseph that I said I’d overheard him and Laure having an argument?”

Before he could answer, her phone rang. She snatched it from the table.

“It’s Esme,” she said, her heart in her mouth.

“You’d better answer it.”

She nodded, accepted the call.

“Iris, how are you?” Esme’s voice was both warm and worried.

Iris glanced at Gabriel. “Not great, but we’ll get there. Thank you for your messages, it was lovely to know you were thinking of us.”

“We’re so sorry about Laure. It’s just heartbreaking.”

“I know.”

“Iris, I hope you don’t mind me calling at such a difficult time, but Hugh has just told me the police have taken Joseph in for questioning. Do you know why?”

“No.” Iris searched for something to tell her. “But maybe it’s because he was with Laure before she left on her run?”

“I don’t understand. Her death was an accident, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, as far as I know.”

“How do you know Joseph was with her before she went on her run?”

“Because I saw them from the bedroom window, just before she left the house. I suppose the police want to know what they were talking about to get an idea of the frame of mind she might have been in.”

“Why couldn’t they ask him that at the house? Why take him down to the station?”

Iris knew she needed to be honest. “I overheard them arguing.”