Page 7 of Crossland

“Oh, here we go,” Alex chided in from where she sat with Brynn and Daisy. “What?” she asked when they gave her a questioning look. “You guys did it to me and look how that worked out!”

She wasn’t wrong. My bet against Ethan that he couldn’t make a woman fall for him longer than a week led to him meeting the love of his life.

That wasn’t what was happening here, though.

“Of course, I’ll be monogamous in a relationship,” I said.

I just didn’t happen to be in a real one, not that they needed to know that.

“Then write it on a chip,” Ethan challenged me, eying my blank chips. “If you win, who cares? You don’t have to stick with it. Don’t have totry. But if you lose to me? You have to stick with it, and if you can’t…I get that ’64 Ferrari.”

I swallowed hard, analyzing my hand. I still had several outs, and he could be bluffing. With the way he was talking, I was leaning more toward he was bluffing.

Gareth folded his cards, wanting no part in it.

Fuck it. I called.

The river came.

I didn’t get my straight.

Ethan checked, and I did the same.

He had a pocket pair of kings that annihilated my hand.


Asher and Wes burst out laughing, and the girls gasped.

“Here we go again,” Doyle grumbled.

“If you don’t like the way we play, feel free to leave,” Gareth said.

Doyle didn’t respond, and I couldn’t throw in my own jab because I was too busy wondering how I’d pull off this bet because there was no way in hell I was losing that car to Ethan.

“I’m out,” I said, pushing away from the table.

If I was going to get Aspen to agree to be my girlfriend for three months, I had to act fast.



Officially weirdest nightever.

My sneakers scuffed against the concrete as we made our way out of the club. I knew we could’ve stayed and danced and drank, but the events of the night made it impossible.

I could still feel Crossland’s hands on my hips, could still smell the cedar and cinnamon of his scent, could still hear the way his voice shaped my name, and it was all making my head spin. Not to mention the stack of hundreds I now had shoved into my small black clutch.

“I can’t believe you wanted to leave,” Jesse said as he kept pace with me. “If I were you, I would absolutely have milked that guy for all he was worth.”

“If you were me, you would’ve negotiated your way into a much higher price,” I said, chuckling as we finally made it past the line of people waiting to get into the club.

“Damn straight,” he said. “I know my worth, unlikesomeof my best friends.” He eyed me knowingly.

I flashed him an equally knowing look, silently expressing thatthatsubject was not up for discussion.

“What?” he asked, ignoring my look completely. “You didn’t see the way he was looking at you. You totally could’ve gotten more out of him.”