Page 3 of Crossland

“You didn’t, either,” I said. “Not before Alex.” I nodded to where she sat next to Daisy, and she grinned at me. “So, you aren’t really one to talk.”

“Touché.” Ethan grinned. “If you’re struggling with what to bet,” he continued. “I’d love that ’64 Ferrari.”

The mention of my father’s favorite car hit me right in the chest, not that Ethan meant it to. I couldn’t blame him for wanting it—it was a spectacular car—but it was my dad’s. The familiar sensation of grief trickled lightly into my veins, less than when Bristol and I had first lost our parents, thanks to the passing of time, but still very present.

“That confident in your hand, huh?” I asked, playing off the fact that I had the best hand out there.

“Try me,” Ethan said.

He must have a flush too and didn’t put me on the higher spades.

“Or we could keep talking about how you can’t compare your quick charms to something sustainable,” Ethan added, smirking. He was trying to shake me up, get me off the hand. It probably would’ve worked if I didn’t have the best one.

“You guys have no idea,” I said, shaking my head. I couldn’t believe they thought they were different from me. I could easily do what they were saying I couldn’t. “How do you know I’m not dating someone right now?”

Asher and Wes shared a look before laughing.

“Do you see anyone in this room?” I asked, motioning to the women who were all attached to someone at the table in one way or another. “Normally, I have at least one woman here, but not this trip. Haven’t you wondered why?”

Nowthatgot their attention. I was full of shit, but they deserved it, ribbing me like they were. Truth was, I’d been…tired in preparation for this month’s game. I’d been bouncing back and forth between NYC and Calgary—my two main homes—so much that I often woke up and didn’t remember which bed I was in. Add to that my trips to Charleston to see my little sister Bristol, and I felt beyond restless…like I couldn’t find solid ground. The idea of dragging a random woman who was only interested in the monetary perks I could offer on this trip sounded like a chore.

“You’re saying you have a girlfriend?” Ethan asked.

“Are you going to call his bet or not?” Doyle asked, but I waved him off, totally ignoring him.

“Maybe,” I answered Ethan.

“Bullshit,” Weston aptly called, but I wassointo this challenge now.

“Where is she then?” Asher asked.

“Downstairs,” I blurted without really thinking, a shit habit of mine.

Ethan laughed, then tilted his head. “You’re serious?”

“Call,” I said, wanting to take the spotlight off what I’d gotten myself into. I threw in my equivalent chip, and Ethan proudly turned over a flush. It was just lower than mine.

“Damn,” he said when he saw my winning hand. “Didn’t put you on the ace.”

“Clearly,” I said, raking in the chips.

“Why didn’t you raise me?” Ethan asked, eying me.

Because I’d been too eager to get out of the lie I’d dove right into.Shit.

“You had the best hand, and you knew it,” Ethan pushed.

“Maybe I didn’t want to take any more of your prized possessions.”

“Since when has that ever stopped you before?” Ethan asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Gareth asked as Asher dealt a new hand. “He didn’t want us pressing him on the dating stuff anymore. Because he’s full of shit.” He barely smiled, but I saw it. Fucker was getting me back for earlier.

I glanced at my cards and folded when it came to my action.

“That makes sense,” Ethan said. “So, about this imaginary girlfriend?—”

“She’s not imaginary,” I cut him off.