Page 30 of Protector

“You wanna talk about Debra?”Holy asks as I drive towards the address I was able to find on Matthew Simon—his grandfather’s residence.


“We’re about to kill our stepbrother.”His diplomatic words make me look at him.He shrugs.“Just thought I’d put that out there.”

From what I was able to discover in my search of the younger Simon, Matthew has a thing for tormenting women by stalking them, kidnapping them, raping them, and it’s fifty-fifty on whether he kills them or not.What I do know is that the police have never been able to make the charges stick.Whether it’s a lack of evidence or that the victims are too afraid to speak up isn’t clear, which makes me suspect it’s both.From what I know of the Simon family, none of them are smart enough to cook up some shit like this and not speak about it.

And I was right.I was able to find a man in Jersey who has been cleaning up their messes for a decade or more at the expense of Rex’s father.After a call to the patriarch of that family, I found out that Rex is in debt up to his eyeballs, and that’s why Debra has come around.The timing of running into Matthew at the club happened to be coincidental.

“We killing both, then?”Holy asks.

“We’re going to see the eldest Simon.”My brother whistles out his surprise.“He seemed interested in meeting his new step-grandsons.”I didn’t lead on that I’d like to kill the other two male members of the man’s family.I don’t think he’d have welcomed us if I had.

“Following your lead on this, baby brother.Anything I should know about?”He turns to face me.

“He doesn’t seem to like Matthew or Rex.Pays some asshole in Jersey to clean up after them, but he’s sick of wasting his money on Rex’s gambling debts.He thinks we’ve come to help out with that now that his son has married the whore.”Calling her our mother has never felt right.She used Jermaine since the day they met and has made his life miserable ever since.

“So we just might be taking out an entire family.”He rubs his hands together with glee.

Stopping in front of the brownstone, I catch the flicker of a curtain in an upstairs window, and a minute later, the porchlight turns on.A second more and the front door opens; an old man with a cane stands there waiting on us.

“Guess he’s eager,” I mutter as we climb out of the car, my eyes sharp and anticipating an ambush.

“You’re the Sinclair boys.”His weathered hand reaches out to wave us in, a welcoming smile on his face.Seems out of place, given who his kin are.

“I’m Holy; my brother Malice.”I stay silent.I’d rather observe while my brother charms our host.

“Oh yes, your mother said you had unusual names.”I snort; Holy gives him a charismatic smile.

“Our father wanted something that would stand out,” Holy replies as we enter a sitting area with the fireplace roaring and a tea set on the table in the middle of the room.

“Sit, sit,” we are told, being waved to a couple of wingback chairs as the man takes one for himself.“I’m too old to stand,” he chuckles.

“Donald, you need to take these.”A woman closer in age to our father enters off the back of the room with a small cup and what I assume is medication.

“Only Erika can call me Donald, boys.I prefer Donny.”Swallowing back the pills, Erika is gone as quickly as she arrived.“Don’t mind her, she’s here to keep me alive and annoy the boys.”

He doesn’t miss our shared look as Holy sits and I take up a stance by the window.“The boys?”I inquire.

“Rex and Matthew,” he spits their names out.“Troublemakers.Both of them.”He shakes his head and sighs as he reaches forward for his tea.“Care for a cuppa?”He smiles.“My wife was born and raised in London, England.She made me learn to perfect a proper tea so I could always make it for her.”

“Where is she?”I ask, likely knowing the answer.

“Her soul flew to the heavens two decades ago.I fear it’s one of the reasons Rex and Matthew have gotten so off course in their lives.”

“Some men are just born bad,” Holy states as he leans forward.“What does your son want with our mother?”I stifle my groan at the use of her title.I fucking hate that woman.

“It’s not your mother they’re interested in.”I’m slightly surprised by his honesty.Sitting back, Donny sips at his cup as his eyes go glossy, and he appears to be lost in a memory.“I wanted daughters and granddaughters, you know.I always felt I could have spoiled a precious girl in a way you can’t a boy.”We remain silent as he speaks.“Rex was never able to get the interest of Juliette before she married Carmine Cavanaugh.He had plans to steal her away.Kidnap her and kill Carmine.”His weathered laugh sounds fragile as he begins coughing before taking another drink.

“Guess that failed,” Holy says, sitting back in the chair with a smirk.

“Failed and then some.It’s cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years, and the only thing I have to show for it is a gambling-addicted son and a murderous grandson.I’d like my legacy to be more than that, boys.”He gives us each a look, asking us to end what could otherwise be a shameful request from a blood relative.

“What does Matthew want with Odette?”I finally ask.

“The same thing his father wanted with her mother, I would imagine.”Even knowing that was the answer I would receive, my heart palpitates, and rage flows through my veins.

“Are you asking us to kill your son and grandson?”I need him to say the words, not simply imply the request.