Page 6 of Valiant

“The one reason I’ve been able to do the whole ‘just friends’ thing with Carter is that up until now, he hasn’t been interested in dating anyone else. It was too much for me to handle, listening to him talk about how soft and sweet Briar smelled and wanting to bring her home! My stomach twisted up in knots, and I thought I was going to hurl!”

I expect my brother’s face to soften in understanding and for him to pull me into another hug, but that’s not what happens. Instead, he looks away and puts a fist to his mouth, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

“It’s not funny, Bash!” I nearly shout, using my brother’s nickname.

“It kind of is. Did you really go hide in the bathroom and tell him you were having ‘woman’ problems to get him to go away?”

“Well, it worked, didn’t it? And it was the truth in a roundabout way. I’m a woman, and I was having a problem.”

He continues to laugh at me but sees I’m not playing around. His amusement at my predicament is beginning to sting a bit. “Spit it out. I know you want to.”

He inhales deeply and then slowly releases it, the laughter momentarily subsiding. Unfortunately, his grin has yet to dissipate. “You really should have stayed around, Lee. If you had, I’m sure you would have enjoyed the evening and my pasta rather than the smell of‘eau de toilette’in the bathroom.”

“That’s not what that term means, Sebastian. It’s a perfume, not toilet stench.” I start to get up and leave, but he grabs my hand to stop me.

“Sit. Please.” I watch as he pulls out his phone and sends a quick text. I don’t see who it’s to, but it doesn’t take but a few seconds for a reply to ding on his phone. Sebastian taps on the picture, and the cutest dog I’ve ever seen fills the screen. He hands me the phone. “Look at this.”

“Why are you showing me a picture of a dog? She’s cute, but I don’t…”

“Meet Briar Rose, Carter’s client!” he hoots, unable to contain his laughter any longer. I’m confused.

“You’re kidding me. His client was a dog? I thought he said he was guarding a model?”

“Carter said ‘if he had to classify his client,’ he didn’t say shewasa model. Briar is a pure-bred Maltese who competes in dog shows all over the world. The last one was held in Queens, where she won second place despite the death threats against her. That’s why the Rose family hired Carter to watch over her.”

“I’m so stupid,” I say. “I jumped to conclusions, and Carter must think I’m an errant child.”

“He doesn’t think you’re a child, nor are you stupid for thinking he was talking about a woman. We all did until he showed us the pictures. He told us he wanted to bring Briar home because he thought you and Daphne would adore her. His thoughts were on you, Leanna, and making you happy.” I don’t point out that Carter was also thinking about our other roommate—our sister—Daphne.

“I should text Carter and let him know I’m feeling better, especially since I didn’t get to say goodbye.”

“What you should do is own up to your feelings and tell him the truth. What happened today might have been a misunderstanding, but the next time, it might be for real,” he tells me bluntly.

“We do almost everything together, Bash. He’s become my best friend and knows almost everything about me.”

“Yeah, everything except your feelings for him. And I have to ask, do you know everything about him? I get the distinct feeling Carter is a closed book and doesn’t share much.”

“I don’t know everything aboutyou, andyou’remy brother,” I say defensively.

“Touché. I’m just trying to look out for you, Lee, and I only want to see you happy. I don’t want to see my baby sister get hurt, especially because we all like Carter.”

“I don’t want to get hurt either. It’s why I can’t put myself out there. I’d rather keep what we have and the comfortability that comes with it rather than risk everything and lose him forever.”

Sebastian doesn’t say anything more; he only looks at his watch and then at me. “I have to head back upstairs, and you should, too. I saved you a plate of spaghetti.”

My stomach growls loudly at the thought of his fresh pasta and Trey’s spicy sausage meatballs. My brother tilts his head back and guffaws. “Are you growling at me because you’re hungry? Or because you somehow know I invited Carter to our family ski retreat in a few weeks?”

“I forgot all about that! What did he say when you asked him?” I ask excitedly.

“He said something about needing to check his schedule and that he can’t make any commitments until he knows for sure.”

I nod as I follow my brother back to the dining area. I shouldn’t be surprised that Carter didn’t give him a straight answer. If there is anyone who knows how to avoid commitment, it’s Carter.

Chapter four


Ididn’t like leaving Leanna without saying goodbye, but when it comes to “woman” troubles, I don’t have the foggiest clue how to help. Not knowing what else to do, I decided to walk the few miles to our house, hoping to have an epiphany. Nothing came to me.