Page 4 of Valiant

If I was going to keep up with my team, I needed to focus all my energy on doing a good job and soaking in as much knowledge as possible.

Shortly after my breakup with Everly, Leanna contacted me, worried about her sister, Callie. Leanna had wanted to hire me when she thought Callie’s brakes had been tampered with and asked me to follow her sister around to keep her safe. I had laughed it off at first, but then my friend, Callum, wanted to hire me for the same reason.I took the job to help him out.

Leanna had spent most of her time off from work, keeping me company on my stakeouts. During that time, we had quite a few deep conversations, and the possibility of a relationship between us had come up. I explained to her my need to keep things platonic without delving into the reasons why. She didn’t press for more information and took everything in stride but refused to accept anything less than friendship, which I was glad to give. Rather than remaining a casual acquaintance, she has become my best friend and confidant. Now, I don’t know what I would do without her in my life, and I never want to find out.

Eventually, I let her go and clear my throat. “It’s good to be back, even though it’s a lot colder here than in Los Angeles.”

“Well, let’s get you inside where you can warm up. Do you have time to eat with us?” she asks.

“Possibly. It depends on who’s cooking.”

“Why does that matter? You either have the time, or you don’t.” Leanna folds her arms in front of her chest and narrows her gaze at me. With that one look, I know that I have to tread lightly if I don’t want my white socks turned pink in the wash.

“Um. Well. If Trey or Sebastian is cooking, then I might have time,” I hedge.

“And if it’s my turn to cook?” she asks with an arched eyebrow.

Sebastian sneaks up behind her and says, “Then he’ll need time to pick up something on the way home. If he eats your food, you may have to give him the Heimlich after he chokes on whatever you make.”

“I can cook,” she says almost petulantly.

“Frozen lasagna and microwave meals do not count, and reheating does not qualify as the ability to cook,” her brother says before giving her a noogie on top of her head. Leanna ducks and bats his hand away while elbowing him in the ribs.

“Ow! That was entirely uncalled for, Lee. I might have to hire Carter to protect me from you!”

“Carter would side with me on this one,” she says to Sebastian. Turning to me, she bats her long lashes and asks, “Wouldn’t you, Carter?” Her tone implies there is clearly a right and a wrong way for me to respond.

Her brother already knows the answer to that question, and so does Trey. He is heading in our direction and overheard everything by the resigned look on his face and the grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.

Instead of answering Leanna’s questions, I place my arm around her shoulders and tell her, “If it’s any consolation, I think your frozen lasagna is the best I’ve ever tasted, especially when you add that smokey flavoring.”

“We call that ‘burnt’ in the Arbaroa household,” Sebastian says, heading for the kitchen.

Leanna and I follow behind him and Trey, laughing along the way. At least until I hear Trey whisper to Sebastian, “If you didn’t know them better, you might think they are married.”

Chapter three


WithCarter’sarmaroundmy shoulders, I can easily feel the moment he tenses after hearing the words leave Trey’s mouth, but it’s only for a split second and barely noticeable.

At first, it was difficult for me to accept that he wanted to keep our relationship purely platonic since our chemistry was off the charts, and we had instantly clicked when we first met. I over-internalized the situation and assumed he wasn’t interested in me because I wasn’t pretty enough, smart enough, or old enough for him. After getting to know Carter better, I’m well aware that isn’t the case. While I’m unsure of the exact reasons for his decision, I’m certain it had nothing to do with me, specifically since he’s been single ever since.

I must admit that my feelings would have been hurt if he had dated anyone since our agreement, but he’s been single since he broke up with some nurse a couple of years ago. He didn’t go into details; he just shrugged his shoulders and told me she had ended it.

I’ve never understood why Carter is against the idea of marriage or entering into a serious romantic relationship with a woman, but that’s partly because I never pressed the issue. With three brothers, I know full well that no amount of cajoling, bribes, or threats will get them to open up until they’re ready to do so. Carter operates in pretty much the same fashion. I hope one day he might trust me enough to explain his hesitancy.

The bottom of my boot connects lightly with Trey’s rear end, causing him to stumble forward a little bit. He loses his balance, and Sebastian catches him before he hits the ground. The position they find themselves in looks like they just finished a dance, and my brother dipped his partner at the end.

“Who looks like the married couple now?” I tease.

Trey bats his eyelashes at my brother and puckers his lips. Sebastian pulls him up to the standing position and twirls him. He places his left hand on Trey’s waist while Trey’s left hand finds my brother’s shoulder. With their right hands clasped, they begin two-stepping their way to the kitchen. Carter and I can’t help but laugh, especially when the rest of the guys in the firehouse serenade them by singing “Dance of a Lifetime” by Drake Milligan.

Carter drops his arm from around me, slowing his pace and allowing me to enter the room first. He pulls out a chair for me at the long table that will seat nearly a dozen people and follows suit, sitting next to me and stretching out his long, muscular body. I avert my gaze away from him so I don’t get caught staring at his lean, muscular physique.

Sebastian and Trey start pulling out large pots and pans to cook dinner for the rest of the crew. As one of the larger fire stations in Newark, we have a minimum of 17 people per shift. From the looks of it, we will have spaghetti and meatballs with a side of garlic bread—an easy dish that can feed an army of men.

The water for the pasta is barely boiling when everyone starts to pile into the room, talking over one another loud enough that you can’t even hear your own thoughts. Chief Larson makes a high-pitched whistle that grabs everyone’s attention, effectively quieting the mob.