“He nuts and bolts,” I replied, smoothing my chemise and widening my legs.

“Okay, okay, last one. Then I have to get back to serving you delinquents.”

More laughter.

“A doctor walks into the room and tells his patient, I have some bad news for you. You really have to stop masturbating.”

Horrified gasps.

“The man looks aghast and says, ‘Oh my God, Doc, why?’ The doctor replies, ‘I’m trying to examine you.’”

Groans and chuckles.

“Ba-dump-dump,” I said, wielding imaginary drumsticks. “That’s all folks. It’s getting late, and I need to save my energy for later.”

Several men gazed after me knowingly as I waltzed offstage, picking up my empty drinks tray and making my way to Alastair.

“Hey, guess what?” I said, leaning in for a kiss and smiling like the Cheshire cat.

“Your lace panties are riding up?”

“Cute. I’m wearing a thong.”

His eyes widened and he shifted in his seat. “Fuck. Why did you tell me that?”

“So you can picture it. Duh.”

“You are a nasty little minx.”

I grinned. “I booked the Bordello for next Friday.”

He smiled with pleasure, then gave me a look. “But, you work Fridays…”

“Not anymore,” I said, pleased with the surprise.

The smile returned. “Really?”

“About the Bordello or about not working Fridays?”

“Well, both. I’ve been dying to get back into that room with you.”

“Oh, really?” I said, folding my arms over my chest and lifting my chin. “I’m working Wednesdays instead of Fridays now.”


“Yeah, I said we needed a night to get super kinky without you having to go to work the next day.”

“It does take a lot out of me.”

I nodded with a naughty lick of my lips. “Oh, I know just how much it takes out of you.”

He laughed. “Naughty thing.”

I had to get back to work, but I gave him a saucy wave and noticed him ogling my ass, so things were going to plan.

I hadn’t had a cigarette in three weeks, but I did miss it. I didn’t think having one cigarette once in a while was a big deal, but Alastair was convinced if I smoked one more, it would lead to one more after that, and I’d be back in the thick of it.

Anyway, by the time my shift ended, I was craving one bad. Alastair was deep in conversation with Jacob, so I told him I was going to get changed. After I had my street clothes on, I rifled through my backpack for the almost-empty carton I’d stashed in the deepest pocket. I slid a cigarette out, and my lighter, put the carton back then made my way outside.