Finally, I caught my breath in the arms of Axel.

“Gwen,” he said, “you have no idea how happy I am to see you.”

With his body pressed against mine, I could feel his hard cock against my belly. I rubbed up against him even more, raised my eyebrows and said, “I have some idea.”

It turned out, despite my earlier doubts, despite my nine Marines doing their best to prove otherwise, we had, in fact, prepared more than enough food. Everyone finished their plates; the buffet table was cleaned out as if a tornado had passed through it, but then Jenny and Christy brought out more plates and more bowls of food, and the buffet table was full once again.

“Mmm, mmm, mmm,” said Axel. “These cookies are delicious.”

“Actually,” I said, “your sister made them.”

Axel chuckled. “My sister doesn’t know how to bake.”

“A lot has changed since you went away.”

“And now we’re back,” said J.P., joining our conversation.

“And you’re going to tell us about everything we missed out on,” said Axel.

“Yes I am,” I said. A big smile stretched across my face. I didn’t try to fight it back.

“Well?” said Nolan. “We’re all ears.”

“How about we just enjoy the party tonight,” I said. “I’ll tell you the big news tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” said Axel. He looked disappointed. “Will you at least give us a hint?”

I shook my head. “Let’s just enjoy the party. Tomorrow, we’ll all drive out to my mother’s house, and I won’t tell you the big news; I’ll show you.”

“Your mother?” Axel looked worried.

“Yes. The surprise is at my mother’s house. Now, come on. Dance with me.”

The party ended shortly past ten. Early for a welcome home party, but it was a work night. And I also had work that night planned for my Marines. We crammed into the SUV to go back to my place.

I didn’t live far away, but I said to Santiago, “Why don’t we take the long way home? Like, along the sea or maybe down the highway? For old time’s sake.”

“OK,” he said. “But no funny stuff this time.”

He started the car; we drove off; our clothes came off; my legs were spread, and I welcomed my Marines back home.

The detour Santiago took us on, it might have been long, but given the speed he drove at, we were back at my place much sooner than any of us wanted—any of us, except Santiago, of course. Poor guy. He had been relegated to chauffeur while his colleagues took turns drilling me on the folded out seats of his car.

When we entered my apartment, I feigned fatigue and fell into his arms. “Driver, my motor is humming. Take me to my bedroom and drive. I want you to fire your pistons.”

Santiago gently pulled off my clothes. He kissed me on my shoulder. “Hello shoulder,” he said. “I’ve missed you.”

He must have been worried that the other parts of my body would get jealous, because he kissed and caressed every inch of me. “Hello belly button. It’s nice to see you again. I’m going to go down and say hello to our friend, Juicy Snatch. I’ll be back later.”

I got up late in the morning to find nine Marines sprawled out in my bed, on my couch, on the floor. It was a comical sight, but also a very beautiful one.

I phoned my mother. “How’s Mary Anne doing?”

“She’s sleeping,” my mother replied. “You could say that she’s sleeping like a baby.”

“Thanks for looking after her. I’m going to come by in a bit with some friends to pick her up.”

I brewed a pot of coffee. The aroma must have woken my Marines. One by one they staggered into the kitchen for a good morning kiss and a good morning cup of joe.

“My mother’s expecting us,” I said. “We’ll head out in about a half an hour?”

“Do you mind if I take a shower?” J.P. asked.

“No. Of course not.”

“Yeah, I’d like to take a quick shower, too,” said Axel.


“Me too,” said Elijah.

“Me too.” “Me too.” “Me too.”

“OK,” I said. “Maybe we won’t be heading out in half an hour.”

“We’ll be quick,” said Taylor.

They tried to coax a clue out of me on the drive over.

“Let’s just say that sometimes big surprises come in small packages.”

“So, it’s a package,” said Axel.

My poor mother was a bit overwhelmed when I showed up at her doorstep with nine Marines. I had told her that I was throwing a party for them, but she must not have been expecting them all to show up at her house.

“Oh, my,” she said. “There’s so many of you. Please, come in. Come in. I’ll put the kettle on.”

“Don’t trouble yourself, Mom. We can’t stay long, actually.”

We crowded into the living room, and my mother brought out Mary Anne, sleeping in her carriage.

My Marines didn’t dare crowd her, but they all leaned over, trying to get a peek. Finally, in a whisper, Taylor said, “Is she..” But he didn’t finish his thought. Instead, he went back to staring at the baby.