Page 48 of Doc

Remi took her hand.“Come on, Harper.Let’s go see if we can find more candy.”

Kade growled.“Remi.”

“What, Daddy?”

He eyed them and sighed, but the corners of his lips were twitching like he was fighting a smile.“You have about ten minutes to find more candy and get it eaten before I come bust you all.”

It felt as though Harper’s chest was about to explode with happiness.Remi wasted no time dragging her away from Kade.Harper smiled back at him, he winked at her, and something settled inside of her.

She had finally found her home.

“Give us twenty minutes, Daddy!”Remi called.

Kade laughed as the two women rushed down the hall in search of goodies.

Harper:I miss you.

Levi:I miss you too, Little one.More than words can say.What are you doing right now?

Harper:Having another slumber party in the living room with the other Littles.I think they feel bad for me.

Levi:I’m sure they’re loving these sleepovers as much as you are.Maybe we need to convert one of the empty suites into a slumber party room.That way you’re all close to the potty and don’t get woken up by the early risers.

Harper:It’s okay, Daddy.Next time you go to work, I’ll stay in our suite.

Levi:Okay, baby girl.Are you having fun at least?

Harper:Yes.Lots of fun.Bear has been letting me decorate his pancakes like cakes.It’s been fun.

Levi:That sounds fun.Only one more sleep until I get to see you.I love you, kitten.

Harper:I love you too, Daddy.



Three days had felt like an eternity.If Doc didn’t love his job so much, he’d consider finding something different so he could be home with Harper every night.But he loved helping people, and he loved his firehouse family.If only he could convince his chief to let him bring Harper with him for his shifts.Dreams could come true, right?

When he walked into the clubhouse and saw all four women sprawled out on the floor in the community room, his heart started to pound.How he got so lucky, he’d never know but he would never take it for granted.

Steele and Kade were sitting at the dining table in silence with mugs of steaming coffee, and when they saw Doc, they raised their cups to greet him.It was funny, the things all the men in the club would do to keep these Little girls happy.Sitting in silence, drinking coffee so they could sleep was one of them.

He joined his friends, and the three of them continued to sit quietly while keeping an eye on the women.As if they’d all gotten warm through the night, not a single one of them had covers on.If Doc were to guess, he’d bet money that Steele had turned up the heat because he was worried they’d get cold.


He spun around and grinned as he opened his arms for his sleepy Little girl.She immediately went to him, and as soon as he had her settled on his lap, his world felt whole again.He needed her closer, though.To consume her and make up for the three days he’d been away.It felt as though he’d never get enough of her.

“Let’s go to our suite.Daddy wants to snuggle you,” he whispered as he rose and headed toward the hall.

She nuzzled into him and sighed.

Once they were alone, he carried her into the bathroom and set her on her feet in front of the toilet.Before she could pull down her panties, he reached under her nightie and tugged them down for her.

“Go potty, kitten.”

She immediately sat then looked up at him and gave him a sleepy smile.When he heard her start to pee, he was so damn proud of her.He was pleased when he leaned down to clean her up and she didn’t try to stop him.It felt like they were getting into their own groove.