Page 45 of Doc

She shivered and sucked in a breath but then nodded.“Okay, Daddy.”

After quickly wiping her clean, he lifted her off the toilet, and then washed his hands before he led her into the bedroom.He found some clothes for her and made a mental note to order some more so she had plenty of Little and big girl clothes to choose from while she was at the clubhouse.Although, he was already trying to figure out how to convince her to move in with him so he could watch over her all the time.The last thing he wanted to do was scare her by moving too quickly, though.

“Hungry?”he asked as he tugged one of his T-shirts over her head.

“Yes.Do you think Bear is making pancakes again?”

His chest expanded, and he felt warm all over.She was going to fit in perfectly in this house.

“I’m sure he is.He makes them most mornings.”

When she lifted up onto her tiptoes and clapped her hands, he nearly exploded with happiness.She was so damn adorable and perfect for him.The Little girl he’d always dreamed of but never thought he’d find.

Hand in hand, they went out to the community room where Harper was immediately swarmed by the other Littles.

“You’re okay!”Remi squealed.

“We missed you,” Ivy practically yelled.

“You just had sex!”Carlee said.

Harper’s cheeks turned bright red.Atlas walked up behind Carlee and swatted her bottom.“Little girl, you’re in big trouble.”

Carlee’s mouth fell open.“Why?”

Atlas sighed and pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose.“You girls might talk about that sort of thing in private but announcing it in front of everyone is rude.You embarrassed your friend.Apologize,now.”

Carlee’s entire face fell as she looked at Harper, and Doc felt a little bad for her.She looked completely crushed that she might have embarrassed his Little girl.

“I’m so sorry, Harper,” she said.

Harper grinned and accepted the hug that Carlee was offering.“It’s okay.We totally just had sex.It was great.”

Doc choked while Atlas burst out laughing.

“Apparently, we do announce it,” Doc said as tears leaked from the corners of his eyes.

Carlee and Harper looked up at both the men and shrugged before they grabbed each other’s hands and headed toward the kitchen where Bear was flipping pancakes.

Atlas gave Doc a back-slapping hug.“I’m happy for you, man.She’s a sweet Little girl.She fits in perfect with us.”

“She really does.I’m a lucky bastard, and I’ll never forget it.”

Soft curves wiggled under his fingertips.When he opened his eyes, he found his girl curled up in his hold with a book in her hand.It was the fourth night they’d slept in the same bed together, and the second day he’d slept longer than Harper.In that time, he hadn’t had a single nightmare.

“Hey, baby girl.”

She dropped the book and rolled back to look up at him, a smile playing on her lips.“Hi, Daddy.You were snoring like a freight train.”

His eyes widened as heat crept up his face.“Seriously?I never snore.”How embarrassing.He hoped he hadn’t kept her awake.

She burst out giggling.“No.Not really.”

“Why you little…” he said as he tickled her sides.

She kicked and squealed, trying to get free.By the time he gave her mercy, he was on top of her, pressing his cock against her core.

“Sorry, Daddy,” she giggled.“It’s just fun to mess with you.I never felt safe to do that until I met you.”