Page 21 of Doc

Her heart sank and her shoulders dropped.At least he was honest about dating a lot of Littles.It was a good reminder why she shouldn’t get attached to him.He didn’t want anything serious with her.Even he had said they could just be friends.

“Wait.Let’s back up.I can see by your face that you think I meant something different,” he said before he reached out and cupped her chin.“I’m the medic of the MC.Most of the men in the club are Daddies, so whenever their Littles aren’t feeling well, the guys bring them to see me.Sometimes, I babysit for my club brothers, but I haven’t had a Little of my own in a very long time.I thought I was doing fine being single.Until I met you.”

Wow.Okay.Don’t fall in love.Don’t fall in love.

“I will always be honest with you, Little one.Sometimes when I’m doing exams or helping my brothers treat their Littles, I see them naked.I also give them enemas and take their temperature in their bottoms, but when it comes to them, I’m simply a medical professional.Nothing more.”

She took a moment to process his words.None of this bothered her.But what about the enemas and taking temperatures?Would he try to do that to her?She wasn’t sure how she felt about that.Part of her felt squirmy and her panties were damp, but another part of her wanted to run and hide with embarrassment.

Almost as if Levi could read her mind, he smiled.“You both love and hate the thought of that, don’t you?”

No point in lying.She nodded.“Yes.”

“Most Little girls feel that way.Don’t worry, though.When you become my baby girl, you’ll be so used to me taking your temperature and cleaning out your bottom that it will become part of your regular routine.”

Her mouth dropped open into anO.Did he saywhenshe became his?He chuckled deeply and stroked her cheek.

“Time for bed, kitten.It’s late.Since you’re off tomorrow, I want you to sleep in as late as you can.”

She felt panicky as he stood.He was leaving her alone, and she wasn’t so sure she wanted that.But she certainly couldn’t ask him to stay with her.He needed to sleep too.He’d been on a three-day shift.Surely, he was exhausted.

“I’m going to take a shower, but I’ll be as quiet as I can.Do you need a nightlight?

“Um, it’s okay,” she said.

He leaned over and captured her chin, then stroked her cheek with his thumb.“When Daddy asks you a question, I want an honest answer.I can’t take care of you properly if you’re not honest with me.Do you need a nightlight, kitten?”

She trembled against his touch.Her heart was pounding so hard that she was surprised it didn’t jump right out of her chest.Even though his words were gentle, he’d just scolded her.It did things to her body, but she was more focused on the fact that he’d called himself Daddy.


“Huh?Oh, uh, yes.I prefer to have a nightlight.”

“Good girl.I’ll leave the bathroom light on when I’m done.For now, I’ll leave the bedroom door open so you get some light from the living room.”

Her eyes felt heavy as she pulled the blankets up to her chest.Then she felt around for Whiskers, something she did every night when she went to sleep.When she remembered he was in a bag in the living room, needing to be washed, she sighed and hugged one of the spare pillows to her body.The pacifier he’d brought her was on the mattress next to her.She stared at it for several minutes.Between not having Whiskers and not having a pacifier in her mouth, she would never fall asleep.Finally, she slid her hand out from the covers and slipped the nipple between her lips.



She was already fast asleep by the time he left the bathroom.He paused in the doorway and watched her for several minutes, fighting the urge to go over to fix her blankets and kiss her forehead.They weren’t there yet.Keyword: yet.

He was still on an adrenaline high from responding to the call to her apartment complex.He couldn’t remember a time he’d been so scared.It would probably take a couple of days to figure out the cause of the fire in her neighbor’s home.If it was due to something faulty in the building, he would make sure she never went back to that place again.

After leaving the bathroom door slightly ajar so she had some light in case she woke up in the middle of the night, he grabbed a spare pillow from the bed, careful not to disturb her.He noticed her hugging one of the pillows and realized she had probably wanted her stuffed kitten.With that in mind, he went to the living room and tossed his pillow on the couch before he grabbed the toy and headed toward the laundry room.

Gabriel, Steele, and Kade were all in the kitchen as he passed by.

“Hey, man.Is Harper doing okay?”Steele asked.

He ran a hand over his face and nodded.He was wiped out.The only thing he wanted to do was go back to his suite, crawl in bed next to Harper, and rest.That wasn’t an option, though.Even if theyweremore than friends, he would still sleep separately to protect her from his frequent nightmares.

Yeah, because every woman wants to have to sleep alone for the rest of their lives.Nobody is going to put up with that.

“She’s good.Sleeping now.I think the shock will wear off by morning, and she’ll be panicking more tomorrow about all of this.”

“The girls will be around the clubhouse to be there for her if she needs some support,” Kade said.