Page 20 of Doc

Levi smirked and stepped closer to her.“You know, I think that’s a great idea.I like the thought of you wearing my clothes.Marking you as mine to anyone who sees you.”

Okay, well she hadn’t expected that.Not at all.And why did being marked as his make her so squirmy?“Um, sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

He flashed his teeth at her as he smiled.“It’s okay, baby.You don’t ever have to be sorry for saying your thoughts.Besides, now that you mentioned it, I can’t stop thinking about it, so instead of the nightie, I’m giving you a T-shirt.”

She averted her gaze and hoped her cheeks weren’t bright red with her embarrassment.“It’s really okay.This is cute, and so nice of Carlee to let me borrow it.”

Her argument went unheard.A few seconds later, Levi was tugging a soft black T-shirt over her head.A shiver ran through her, and she bit her bottom lip to keep herself from smiling.She didn’t know why she felt so hot over the idea of him marking her, but possessive Levi did things to her body that no other man had done before.

“King didn’t grab any panties either.I think he knew I would have slit his throat if he dug through your panty drawer.Carlee sent a package of unopened underwear for you, though.”

Harper choked on air as she processed his words.Was he being serious?Based on the smirk on his face, she figured he was totally kidding.

When he held up a pair of panties in front of her, her cheeks heated.They were adorable and so Little.White cotton that would surely go up to her belly button with scalloped edges and tiny red hearts printed all over them.

Then, her cheeks went from warm to on fire when Levi knelt in front of her and held the underwear by her feet.

“Hold onto my shoulders for balance and step in.”

Was he actually getting her dressed?Like she was too Little to do it herself?So many emotions swirled in her tummy.Embarrassment.Arousal.Shock.

She pressed her hands to his thick shoulders, shocked by how muscular they were.She’d known he was fit, but Levi was the type of fit that was lean.At least, until she put her hands on him.He might not have enormous muscles, but he was solid as a rock.

“Step,” he said patiently.

He waited until she had both feet through the holes, then started tugging the material up her legs.When he reached the hem of the towel, he stopped.

“I’ll give you some privacy and let you get them pulled up the rest of the way, then you can remove the towel.I’ll be right back.”

A pang of disappointment hit her.Had she been hoping he’d pull her panties up all the way?The way he’d been taking care of her was making her Little float right up to the surface.It was probably for the best he’d left her to finish the job.The last thing she wanted to do was go completely Little in front of him.

She had just dropped the towel in the hamper when Levi returned.He had something small in his hand, but she couldn’t tell what it was.

“Do you need to go potty before you go to sleep?”

“No.I’m good.”

He nodded.“Okay.Crawl into bed, kitten.I changed the sheets before I left for my shift at the firehouse, so they’re clean.”

They would be sharing a bed.Crap.She hadn’t thought of that.

“I can sleep on the couch,” she offered.

His brows pulled together, and his already dark eyes turned darker.“There is no way in hell you will sleep on the couch.I’m sleeping on the couch.You are sleeping in the bed where you belong.Now, get in.”

The steel in his voice gave no room for argument, so she obeyed and got under the covers.When she was settled, he sat at the edge of the mattress next to her.

“Here.I don’t know if it’s the same kind of nipple you have on your pacifier, but we can get you a different one tomorrow if we need to.”

He held out his open hand to show her a large pacifier.It was plain yellow, and it did have the same nipple as the ones she normally used.

She stared at it for a long moment, unsure if she should reach for it.She’d told him she used one at bedtime, but him knowing and him seeing were two different things.No one had ever seen her with her pacifier in her mouth.Zach hadn’t known she had one.He would have made her feel like a freak if he had.

“Take it, baby doll.It will help you sleep.Besides, after all the stress you’ve been through tonight, I’m sure you need something to help soothe you.”

The fact that Levi had been soothing her since the moment he’d arrived at her apartment complex was something she was going to keep to herself.Coming across as needy was the last thing she wanted.

“Harper, take it, baby.You don’t need to be shy around me.I’m a Daddy.I know you’re Little.I’ve taken care of lots of Littles over the years.”