Page 10 of Doc

He glanced at Harper again and smiled softly.She seemed to be having fun with the other Littles.They all had books in their laps, but none of them were reading.It seemed like they were having too much fun chatting.

“Are you going to have a talk with Remi about eavesdropping and meddling?”Doc asked Kade.

Kade grinned.“Oh, yeah.She’ll be a very sorry Little girl once I’m done with her.”

Doc nodded.“Good.Maybe she needs an enema while you’re having that discussion.”

“You know, I think you’re right about that.It’s been a while since she’s had her bottom cleaned out.Maybe I need to do it more regularly because she’s always better behaved afterward,” Kade said.

Atlas, the club treasurer cleared his throat.“I think all the girls could use an enema.Carlee could for sure.”

Steele grunted.“Same for Ivy.”

“I’ll leave the supplies in your suites,” Doc said.

Not only was he the club medic, but he helped the men keep their Littles healthy too.Sometimes it bit him in the ass since the girls didn’t always like the treatments he recommended and got back at him with little pranks and such.It was a small price to pay.

Hours passed.The entire time, Doc couldn’t pay attention to anything except the Little girl in the other room.

It was almost nine o’clock when the women emerged from their meeting.Harper eyed him nervously with her backpack slung over her shoulder.She was leaving, and he felt a sense of loss at that.Even though she hadn’t spent the evening with him, he liked having her in close proximity where he could watch over her.

“Thanks for inviting me,” she said quietly to Remi.

Remi threw her arms around Harper.“I’m so glad you came.We’ll have Book Club again in two weeks, but you have our numbers now, so we’ll chat in between…about the book.”

Carlee and Ivy giggled and nodded before they hugged Harper too.

Without thinking, Doc stood.“I’ll walk you out, kitten.”

Harper’s eyes widened at the pet name, and a rosy red shade spread on her cheeks.He immediately felt bad.The last thing he wanted to do was embarrass her.

“Okay,” she murmured.

He led her outside and reached for her car door as soon as she unlocked it.“Did you have fun tonight?”

She turned toward him, her blue eyes sparkling.“I did.I like them.It was nice to have some girl time.It’s been a long time since I’ve had that.”

“Because of your ex?”he asked, hoping she didn’t notice him clenching his jaw.

Doc hated abusive assholes.He never understood how a man could hurt a woman or child.

“Well, yes.But I didn’t do anything about it.”

He stepped forward so he was nearly boxing her in against her car.“Kitten, I don’t want to hear you take the blame for anything that asshole did to you.Youdiddo something about it.You got the fuck away from him, and I’m proud of you for that.”

They stared at each other for a long moment, both of them breathing heavily.He felt a pull to lean down and kiss her but forced himself to ignore it.As badly as he wanted her, he wouldn’t frighten her by being too forward.

“Thank you,” she finally said.

“You’re welcome.I’ll tell you that whenever you need to hear it.”

She shivered, and he stepped back and motioned for her to get in the car.She did, and he automatically bent down to buckle her seatbelt.He was reaching over her when he realized what he was doing.

“Sorry,” he mumbled as he handed over the seatbelt.

When he heard the buckle click into place, he stepped back, resting his arms on the top of the car.“Listen, I hope you know I didn’t have any part in your coming here tonight.I think Remi overheard me talking to one of the guys about you.”

“I know,” she said quickly.