“Are you kidding?” Deanna asks. “A million guys cried to me over you.”
“They did not.” Lexi turns to me for a brief moment. “What happened with your bartender?”
There’s a beat of silence before I realize she asked me a question. “I apologized,” I say.
“That’s big of you,” Lexi says. “I don’t know if I’ve ever apologized to an ex. I tell them what I want straight up. Fun. No strings. I can’t help it if they develop feelings. Or if they refuse to believe I enjoy casual sex because I’m a woman.”
From her spot in the back seat, Deanna clears her throat. She mutters something that sounds a lot likeI told you so.
But maybe that’s my imagination.
“Were you the one who broke up with her?” Lexi asks.
“Alice,” Deanna offers. “That’s her name.” She mutters something else, but I don’t catch it.
Again, Lexi ignores her. Again, she takes my non-response as a yes. “Did you want to hurt her when you ended things?”
“No.” I find the words to respond. Barely. “But I knew I would.”
The light turns green. Lexi presses the accelerator and whizzes along the quiet street.
“It wouldn’t be fair to pretend otherwise,” I say.
Lexi nods. “That’s true.”
“Did you tell her the truth?” Deanna asks.
“People don’t want the truth,” Lexi cuts in. “They think they want it, but they don’t. Do you really think that guy I dated last year, Greg What’s-His-Face, would be better off if I told him, ‘the truth is, you’re a bad lay. I’m bored out of bed. I’m bored in bed. I’m bored. On that note, you should really try to mix it up a little more in the bedroom. Would it kill you to spend more than two minutes on cunnilingus?’”
“His next girlfriend would have been better off,” Deanna says.
Lexi’s laugh softens the tension in the car. “Well, I can’t argue with that last part.”
“Did you realize it at the time?” Deanna asks.
“No, I thought he was eager to move things along at first,” Lexi says.
“The boredom,” Deanna says.
“Oh. Right.” Lexi laughs again. “Yeah, of course. But I was trying to make it work.” Lexi looks to me. “Sorry. We’re being totally rude. You know how it is when you’re with your sister.”
“I’m just so easy to talk to,” Deanna teases.
Lightness fills the space and I can’t help but let out a laugh.
Deanna’s funny. She’s way too funny. It’s putting me on her side.
But then we don’t have to be adversarial. She might see things that way, but I don’t. We can work together, even if she believes I’m only here because I want Lexi.
“Is she a babe?” Lexi asks. “Alice?”
“She’s a smoke show,” Deanna says.
“Heartbreaker,” Lexi teases. “Tell me the story.”
“Deanna heard it,” I say.