Page 19 of The Neighbor Wager

“You can still come in for a drink,” Lexi says. “And come to the party later.”

“WithIda,” Deanna emphasizes.

“Yeah, of course with Ida,” Lexi adds lightly.

Why are they being weird?

“I’ll relay the invite,” I say, even though I know Grandma will decline. She’s not a fan of the Huntington parties. Not that I blame her. A party a week is a bit much. And Mr. Huntington’s circle has no overlap with Grandma’s. They’re what she’d callold fuddy-duddieseven though she’s Mr. Huntington’s senior by at least a decade.

“You’re coming in for a drink now?” Deanna asks, her eyes flashing to Lexi.

“Yes…” There’s definitely something happening here, and it’s about me.What the hell?

“Yeah. It’s one drink, Dee. The thing we do with colleagues and friends and even Dad’s friends.” Lexi laughs.

“What about your guest?” she asks.


“I have an hour,” Lexi says.

“No,” Deanna says. “I need your help with my outfit now. Please.”

“You two live here?” I ask.

“In the apartments,” Lexi says.

So they’ve moved from their rooms in the mansion upstairs. “Saving money?” I tease.

The joke isn’t funny, but Lexi laughs anyway. A full-on belly laugh that sends shock waves through my body.

And I know for sure.

She’s flirting.

She wants me.

My entire body flames. I want her desire, her affection, her need, and I want it now. Lexi isn’t the reason I’m back here, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to ignore her interest.

“No, we’re staying close to Dad,” Deanna says in answer to my joke. “But we should let you rest. I’m sure you had a long, tiring flight. Thank you for stopping by to say hello.”

Deanna shoots her sister a look I can’t read. Lexi understands that, too. That’s the thing with the Huntington sisters. They understand each other perfectly.

“Sorry, she’s right,” Lexi says. “We have a lot to do before the party. But I’ll see you then, right?”

Lexi wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a hug.

She presses her warm, soft body against mine.

I’m too overwhelmed to really feel it.

AnI can’t believe this is happeningblackout.

And then she whispers, “Let’s talk tonight, alone.”

Chapter Four
