Page 140 of The Neighbor Wager

In response, he rocks his pelvis against mine again.

I’m not sure if that meanshell yeah, it isorI like yoursorkeep talking or I stop.

But then I don’t care.

As long as he keeps doing that.


I don’t have to play by his rules. I don’t have to play by anyone’s rules but my own.

I press my palm into his stomach. “The app is amazing, and I designed it. The base of it, I built alone. My ideas. My code. My insights. From there, other people helped. We have a small team, but they’re amazing. I’m not shy about saying I started this. I know I did. I know I kicked ass with it.”

“You did.”

“You have no idea if I did or not. Don’t pretend.”

“No, I do,” he says. “I signed up last night.”

“You did?” River opened up the app. He signed up. That’s not his thing. That’s an odd choice. Is it for me, or him, or some other reason?

“After you fell asleep on me.”

A million things flit through my head at once.

“Do you need to get your phone out and check?”


“You sure?”


“I used a fake name.”

“I can check your IP address. My IP address. You used my Internet.” It’s easy to back solve these things. Even if people know how to hide what they’re doing, it’s pretty easy to figure it out when you have access to all the available data.

“Will you?”

“Only if you want me to.”

“No,” he says.



“Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Because you can check the algo,” he says. “See if we make sense as a match.”

Oh. Right. A match.

He’s not saying we are. And he’s not saying we aren’t.

There’s a reason for that, but my thoughts are fuzzy. There’s not enough blood in my brain. It’s sweet, I think, him checking this for me. Or at least giving me the opportunity to check.

That’s a good sign.