She always goes to their place. Or somewhere else, in her car. That’s part of her MO.
Does she miss Jake enough she’s seeinghimor is this someone else? Fern wouldn’t know the difference.
No. It’s not my problem. Jake knows they’re on a break. He knows they’re free to see other people. I advised him to forgive her if she sees someone else.
If he can’t do that—
Well, that’s his responsibility. Not mine.
I really hope he can. Because they are strangely perfect for each other. They’re both super freaks.
Fern:Don’t tell me you care, Mr. Romance. I know you’re not enough of a cad to go after two women at the same time. Or are you? I’ll come home and cockblock you right now.
River:No. Of course not.
Of course he isn’t.
This is our night.
And if Lexi is with another guy, well—
It’s her life. And I am comfortable with that. Whatever it means for the company.
Right now, though, I actually don’t care about the company, or her relationship with Jake, or her habit of finding a new guy every two weeks, or anything except fucking River again.
I’m not used to this feeling of work not mattering.
It’s scary and thrilling and I don’t care about that, either.
Because I really need to fuck him again.
Despite every intention of having my way with River, I fade the second I step inside the apartment. By the time I get to my room, remove my heels, and do away with my dress, I’m exhausted.
He notices. “Go to bed.”
I shake my head. “This first.”
“In the morning. When I get all your energy.”
My cheeks flush. Dirty talk is one thing. The sort of sweet yet sexy things he says are another.
How can anyone make sex sound so sweet and caring? The more kink, the sweeter, really. He’s a freak. That’s the only explanation.
Not that I mind.
I brush my teeth, wash my face, climb into my short pajamas then into bed.
He goes to take his turn, but I fall asleep before he gets back. I sleep soundly and wake with all the warmth and ease people associate with Sunday mornings.
The scents of tea and ham waft into the room.
The tea is normal, but ham? When did we buy ham?
I soak in the feeling of the cool sheets, the warm blanket, the heat from the other side of the bed.