Perfect, horrible torture.
I arch my back, rocking into him, trying to feel more of him, all of him. His board shorts are rough against me, but I don’t care. I can feel his cock, hard, under them, and I need that.
No. I need them gone.
I try to reach for him, but he keeps my arms pinned to the wall.
Desire floods my body. He’s actually doing this. Actually leading. No. More than leading. Not quite what Stephan expected of me, but something a lot more than leading.
It’s perfect.
It’s everything.
I kiss him back as I rock my hips into his. Again and again, until he’s groaning against my lips.
Finally, he brings one hand to my hips. My stomach. The top of my pelvis.
And right as he’s going to touch me properly, the doorbell rings.
What the hell?
It rings again.
“Lexi?” A familiar male voice calls. “Can we talk?”
That’s Lexi’s boyfriend. Or kind of ex-boyfriend. Whatever she wants to call him. He came here, instead of replying to my texts. Or maybe I’ve been too distracted by lust. Maybe I’ve forgotten my goal. That’s what River said about love. You act against your self-interest.
But it’s not the only reason we act against our self-interest.
My number-one goal is this app. And here I am, letting a man get in the way.
Shit, shit, shit.
River releases me. Disappointment streaks his eyes, but he still takes a step backward.
“I should go,” he says.
“But—” I don’t want him to go. Even though that’s foolish. Even though talking to Jake is the important thing.
I shake my head, then nod. Yes. He should go.
I need to talk to Jake. I need to figure this out. I need to not sleep with the guy who wanted to sleep with my sister two days ago.
Even if I don’t care who he wanted two days ago.
I just want him.
“Which room is yours?” He takes another step backward.
I try to bring my eyes to his face, but I just can’t look anywhere except the hard-on straining against his board shorts. “On the right.”
“I’ll grab you something to wear.”