Page 14 of The Neighbor Wager

“Medication and sex toys and—” I stop myself mid-sentence. Lexi isn’t interested in that. Not for her future husband.

Lexi wants one thing from guys: satisfaction without complication.

Or she did, before Jake. But she’s been with him for almost six months. She must want something else besides sex with him, too. Even if she can’t see it.

“Did he give you a reason for waiting?” I ask.

“He said he rushed into things with his ex. They didn’t get to know each other because they were always screwing like rabbits.” She lets out a wistful sigh. “That could have been me. I could be screwing him like a rabbit.”

“You still could.”

“I can’t sleep with him now,” she says.


She shoots me a look, likeget real. “He’s obviously expecting something I can’t give him.”

Is there anything Lexi can’t deliver here? “Such as?”

“He wants to make love.”



The one little thing Lexi isn’t interested in trying.

Or maybe she is, now, and just doesn’t realize it.

“What would you do, Dee?” she asks.

This isn’t about me or what I would do. It’s about what’s best for Lexi. What’s best for our company, too. All of it is connected now.

“You like him, don’t you?”

She nods.

“Then I’d do it. Stick with him until I knew I wanted to marry him. That’s the whole point of dating. To meet someone, craft a partnership, build a life together.”

“You make it sound so sexy,” she deadpans.

“It’s not supposed to be sexy all the time.”

She looks at me like I told her the sky is green.

“Life is about more than sex,” I press.

This does not compute with Lexi. “That’s what people say when they want you to keep having bad sex. Is that what you want, Dee? A lifetime of bad sex? Do you know how many women put up with bad sex from men just because they feel affection for them? Is that what you want for me?”

“No. Of course not.” How can I explain this to her? It’s not like I’m a bastion of relationship success. That’s why I needed to develop an app. To help people like me find matches. And she’s not wrong, either. The top two reasons why couples fight are money and sex. A relationship with bad sex is a bad relationship for most people. I need to try a different approach…

“You’ve had fun, haven’t you?” I ask.

“We have,” she agrees.

“Maybe you’re close enough now to do it,” I say. “To give him the intimacy he wants.”

“I don’t know. Maybe this is a sign. He wants something I can’t give him. I’ve been thinking about ending it for a while. Why drag it out?”