That is a lot of pressure. “That’s what round two is for.”
He nods. “I should take her somewhere for the weekend. That way we have time for rounds two and three and four.”
Yeah. That’s…exactly right. Jake might just be the man to tame my sister. “Perfect.”
“Or should I back off?” he asks. “Give her the time she needs to think about things? We agreed on two weeks. It hasn’t even been two days.”
Right. He shouldn’t come on too strong. Or maybe if he’s coming on too strong because he wants her to come, that’s fine. “How about I feel her out?”
“How so?”
“Mention the idea. Say you asked me what I thought. Text her.”
He nods okay.
I pull out my cell, check my messages (nothing urgent: nothing from River, which I try not to care about), and text Lexi.
Deanna:Hey! Jake just asked me about you. He wants to take you away for the weekend. But he doesn’t want to get in the way of your “thinking time.”
I don’t expect her to text back right away—she is with a friend—but she does.
Lexi:A surprise trip? Where?
Deanna:I’m thinking hiking and then a campsite. Peeing outside turns you on, right?
Lexi:Not funny.
Deanna:Don’t worry. I warned him to bring extra TP. Men always underestimate how much women need.
Lexi:OMG Dee! I would kill you.
Deanna:If you survived a weekend in the mountains.
Lexi:I’d survive long enough to kill you.
Deanna:I’m going to suggest Palm Springs. Or maybe Catalina?
Lexi:Wine country.
Deanna:I’ll tell him.
Lexi:No. Too many bnbs in wine country. I want a nice hotel. Modern. With a view and absolutely no entertainment besides each other. Wait. Was he clear about what the weekend entailed?
Deanna:Very. Though I’m not sure what he plans to do with the other 47 hours and 58 minutes.
Lexi:I go a lot longer than that.
Deanna:But will he, after six months?
Lexi:Aw, that’s sweet. I’ll be flattered. I swear.
Deanna:You should tell him that.
Lexi:I will.
Oh god, she will. That’s sweet in a disturbing way. No. It’s good she’s open. And it’s good she’s back on Team Jake.
So why don’t I feel more relieved?