“I know he’s wild,” Lulu says, placing a hand over her heart. “But be gentle with him.”

I nod, still incredulous at this confession.

“Okay, Mom,” Zeke grimaces. “That’s enough. We’re leaving.”

Lulu wraps her arms around his neck one last time before smiling and blowing me a kiss.

“Bye, sweeties!” She calls.

When I look back, Lulu is behind the bar, but still watching us walk away. She wiggles her fingers at me and I lift my hand in an uncertain wave.

Zeke takes my hand to lead me outside, and I breathe in the fresh air as soon as the door swings open. It’s a relief to have some distance from the booming music, but my ears are still humming.

I forget all about my discomfort when I see Rex and Gunner waiting. Leaning against their bikes, both clad in black leather.Different, even down to the bikes, but both dangerous. And sexy. I feel like a lucky girl. Luckier still when I notice the way Rex’s face lights up when he sees me.

Gunner fires up his engine while Rex carefully fastens the helmet underneath my chin. The weight of it feels almost natural to me now.

“Climb on, Goldie,” Rex calls, and Zeke offers me his calloused palm as I swing one leg over the bike.

I slide my arms around Rex’s waist, breathing in his musky scent of leather and a hint of cologne. The motor rumbles and I feel the now familiar vibration between my legs. Rex touches my hands, clasped around him, before taking off and I breathe in the fresh air while we are launched into the wind.

I feel so free and I’m tempted by the offer that these good times could never end.They’ve asked me to stay…forever.

It’s a tempting offer, but I’m not sure if it’s one that I can trust. Rex, Gunner, and Zeke are members of the most fearsome outlaw motorcycle club in the South, but so far, they’ve shown me nothing but kindness. We’re even on our way back from visiting Zeke’smother, for Christ’s sake. I was always told that these people have no morals, but they certainly seem to care a lot about each other.

It’s all such a mess. I don’t know what to do or what to think anymore. So, I just squeeze my arms a little tighter around Rex’s waist and rest my head against his back, pressing my face against the leather of his jacket. And I just try to enjoy the ride.

Chapter 20


It’s the moment that I’ve been waiting for.

When we arrived home at the compound, Gunner begged off for his brotherly duties and Zeke checked in with Doc for a bandage change.

Goldie is in my room, all by herself.

I’m not my usual suave self as I stand here, shifting nervously from foot to foot while Goldie inspects all of my earthly belongings.

I can tell by her expression that my place is not what she expected. Her eyebrows are raised into perfect arches over Goldie’s wide blue eyes. Her mouth is posed into the shape of an “o” as she looks around my loft-like space.

My room is larger than Zeke’s but smaller than Gunner’s. I lined the rectangular room with bookshelves, which are also used to partition off a sort of bedroom space.

I feel awkward and overexposed as Goldie’s slim fingers run along the spines of a row of books on one shelf. She knows my secret now. Iread.

Aside from my bike, it’s my greatest passion. No matter how much shit my brothers give me, I make time to read every single day. And I’ll read anything, but my favorite is nonfiction. Specifically, anything about organized crime.

Goldie stands in front of the bookshelf with all of my favorites. There are titles on La Cosa Nostra, Bratva, the Yakuza, and the Irish Mob. I’ve learned a lot from these reads. The other guys can roll their eyes when they see me with my nose in a book, but it’s made me a better Grim Rider.

My palms feel sweaty. I’m not sure what Goldie’s thinking. When she turns around, Goldie’s face lights up in a beautiful grin. I let out my breath that I didn’t realize I was holding. She’s not repulsed by what a nerd I am, under my tough biker exterior.

“Rex,” Goldie says breathlessly. “I can’t believe this.”

Her smile is shy as she reveals that reading is a passion shared between us. I feel like I’ve been hit with a bolt of lightning. This magnificent creaturereads.She’s beautiful. She’s perfect for me. I can feel it deep within my soul.

“I’m a true crime junkie,” Goldie confesses with a crooked smile. “But I haven’t read much on O.C.,” She says and I try to keep myself from swooning at her use of lingo.

“I’d really like to borrow a few of these,” Goldie continues, still perusing the overstuffed shelves.