“Excuse me, gentlemen! Who do you think you are? In this house of our Lord!” Reverend Bennett throws his hands together as if in prayer. “Security!” He screams and his face turns a shade of crimson.

“I object,” Gunner growls. The vast room of people has fallen silent to listen, but Gunner is talking directly to Goldie.

“Tell us you came here freely, Goldie,” Gunner calls, his deep voice ringing out across the sanctuary. “Or come home with us.”

From the corner of my eye, I see some suits rushing towards us.

“There’s no need for violence here!” Rex says, lifting both of his hands. “Just allow the lady to answer.”

Goldie’s grinning now. Her smile makes her look like an angel.

“I’m going home with you,” Goldie announces, and she steps down from her place near the podium.

“What are you doing?” Reverend Bennett screeches. He lunges after her and his fingers wrap around her elbow.

“Ow,” Goldie cries. “Let go of me!”

The preacher is twisting her arm and I see red.

“Let her go!” I am screaming.

In a flash, I close the distance between us.

“Let her go or Iwillfucking kill you,” I snarl. The wild look in my eyes makes Reverend Bennett believe it.

He releases his grip, but I can see the red welts on Goldie’s smooth skin. He left a mark on her and for that, Reverend Bennett should die.

I want to murder him myself. Right there. On the spot. But then Goldie is jumping into my arms. I wrap them around her and breathe her in as I pull her against me. Her body is soft in all the right places and her touch sends a rush of blood between my legs. Unfortunately, it’s not time to rip Goldie’s clothes off just yet.

“Take me home,” Goldie whispers. Her breath tickles the side of my neck.

My lady doesn’t have to tell me twice.

I scoop her up, placing one arm around Goldie’s back and the other at the bend in her knees. Goldie smiles up at me, cradled in my arms, and I’m carrying her away.

“I love you,” I say and her smile grows.

“I love you, too,” Goldie replies.

“Somebody stop them!” Reverend Bennett screams, but the security guys dressed in tan suits are just shifting their weight from foot to foot.

These Bible thumpers are reluctant to fuck with us. More so when they hear the roar of motorcycles. It starts off as a small hum, but grows louder and louder.

“What in the name of our Lord?” The preacher cries.

“That’s the sound of the Grim Riders surrounding your church. They’re here to see that you let us leave peacefully,” Rex says.

“And to send you a message,” Gunner growls, his face darkening. His hazel eyes look black. “That your daughter is free. You leave her the fuck alone.”

There are gasps from the scandalized audiences, still watching, standing in front of their seats. The Reverend doesn’t speak, but he nods once. A drop of sweat rolls down his forehead.

Goldie wraps her arms around my neck and lays her head against my shoulder as I carry her out of there.

“You know,” I say to Rex and Gunner. Goldie is gazing up at me. “They didn’t say it like you said they would.”

“What?” Gunner frowns.

“They didn’t say to speak now or forever keep your piece or whatever.”