I get it. There are kids here. We can’t just blow the whole place up.

I turn around, craning my neck. When the hell is Goldie walking down the aisle?

There’s a brunette strutting down the walkway, dressed in a pale pink gown. She’s carrying a bouquet of pink and white roses and her pink painted lips are curled into a self-satisfied smirk.

I roll my eyes at Rex and whisper, “Who the fuck is that?”

“Bridesmaid or something,” Rex hisses, bringing a finger to his lips.

The helmet-haired ladies in front of us turn around to frown, but I flash them my most dazzling smile. The music changes and there’s a shuffle as the crowd rises to their feet. Everyone turns around and it’s silent after a murmur of anticipation.

I hear the familiar chords and I know that Goldie’s coming, but the sight of her takes my breath away.

She stands at the entrance of the sanctuary, clutching an enormous bouquet of white roses. Goldie isn’t smiling, but she’s still radiant. Her blonde waves are pulled back, away from her face, and it brings the focus to her stunning blue eyes. She’s wearing a loose white dress that hides her figure, but does nothing to dim her beauty. I know all about the curves that lace is covering, and I’d love nothing more than to rip that fabric from her body.

I can’t take my eyes off of her while she walks down the aisle. But Goldie should be beaming and instead her pink lips are turned into a small smile. Her blue eyes sparkle, but there is sadness underneath.

Goldie shouldn’t be walking down the aisle towards him. She isbelongs to us.

Reverend Bennet’s voice booms throughout the auditorium.

“Please be seated.”

I sit down, but I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I’m perched on the edge of the pew, ready to pounce at any moment.

“Dearly beloved,” The preacher drawls in his Southern twang. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the Holy Matrimony of my darling daughter, Marigold Bennett, and our devoted associate pastor, Thaddeus Fraley.”

I feel my spine straighten. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

I’m ready to just go up there and throw Goldie over my shoulder.

But then someone is reading some passage from the Bible and the pastor drones on and on. I adjust the neckline of the tight collar of my dress shirt. I’m fidgeting in my seat, but the moment that we’re waiting for never comes.

Instead, Pastor Bennett looks towards his daughter. He lowers his chin and his eyes glare into hers before he speaks.

“Marigold, have you come here freely and without reservation to marry?”

“I have,” Goldie says quietly.But I know it’s a lie.

I stand up. It’s a reflex. I can’t help it.

“Bullshit!” I yell, and there are gasps of shock and dismay.

Everyone turns around in their seats to stare. Helmet-haired old ladies are pursing their lips and shaking their heads.

“I never!”

“And in a church!”

I hear, but I don’t care.

Rex and Gunner are standing, too.

The entire congregation is staring at us, but I only lock my eyes on one person.

Goldie’s mouth is hanging open and her blue eyes are huge. She places one manicured hand against her heart as she stares and I can feel the crackle of electricity between us.

That is our woman and we’ll be taking her home.