Bianca purses her pouty lips. I think she expects me to accept her apology easily. Her eyes narrow before she speaks again.

“Mary,” She says, her voice softer. “I didn’t want to tell you, but…” She trails off.

“What?” I snap. There’s no hiding the hatred in my voice.

Bianca’s brown eyes stare at me with pity. “You didn’t think those guysreallycared about you,didyou?” Her lips curl into the hint of a sneer as I stare at her with a look that could kill.

“Oh, sweetie. Wouldn’t they have come for you, by now?” Bianca cocks her head and widens her eyes, a tactic to look innocent. “Insteadof callingme?”She blinks her big brown eyes.

I scoff at her, but Bianca rolls her eyes.

“Oh, believe it, Mary. I even had to change my phone number,” Bianca says. She giggles, lowering her eyes as she flips her hair over her shoulder.

I want to sock her in the face, but I try to remain calm. “What did they say?” I ask, keeping my voice even.

“They were already over you, Mary. They invitedmeto party with them,” Bianca replies. Her eyes move up and down my figure. “Seriously, Mary. Thaddeus is the best you can hope for. Plus,” Bianca adds, flashing her brilliant smile. “We both get to be on TV!”

I stare at Bianca’s face with disgust. “Is thatallthat you care about?”

Bianca’s blank stare in response confirms it. I should have known. Bianca’s always most interested inBianca.I always viewed her selfishness as an endearing quirk, but now I realize it. Now that I’ve been around people who actually care for each other, I see. We were never really friends at all.

“Come on, Mary,” Bianca whines, her lips pulled into an exaggerated pout. She’s not getting her way, and she doesn’t like it.

I’m saved from replying when Loretta bustles back into the kitchen, leading the manicurist, Jessie, by the elbow.

“Ladies, it’s time for some pampering!” Loretta sings. She pulls out a chair for Jessie next to me, and waves at her to begin my manicure.

“Congratulations, Marigold,” Jessie says, nervously tucking her brown bobbed hair behind her ears. I smile weakly at her and she starts to work, pushing back my cuticles.

“Make sure you make her nails almond shaped,” Loretta warns, leaning over Jessie’s shoulder. “It’s best for stubby fingers,” Loretta sniffs, looking down her aquiline nose at my hands.

My jaw clenches. My teeth grind together just as Jessie begins to file my nails.

Loretta and Bianca discuss floral arrangements and the dresses they will wear, just like they are old friends. But I can barely hear a word that they’re saying. I’m lost in my own thoughts.

Could Bianca’s words be true?

I wonder if Rex, Gunner, or Zeke really propositioned her. I want to think Bianca’s lying, but her words have cut deep. My guys made me feel beautiful, but they’re gone. Now, my insecurities are back and in full force. Why would three sexy bikers wantme? Come on.The preacher’s daughter and the bikers?

It feels like it was all a dream. Some wild fantasy.

Now, I’ve got to get back to reality.

It’s almost my wedding day.

Chapter 35


My father backhands me, slapping me across the face. My neck jerks, my skull snapping from one side to the other.

It stings. It burns, just like hell’s fire.

“Thou shalt honor thy mother and father,” My dad bellows. His hands are balled into fists.

“No, Dad! I won’t!”

“You will do as you are commanded by God!”