Just then, there’s a soft knock on Zeke’s door and a slight hesitation before it swings open.

“Good morning,” Rex calls, sweeping in, cradling a tray of something that smells delicious.

“Mornin,” Gunner grunts, trailing behind Rex. He stops to close the door behind him.

“Candied bacon, anyone?” Rex asks, placing the tray gently on Zeke’s coffee table. He has to take a few steps towards the bed before he registers my expression.

“Goldie, what’s wrong?” Rex’s warm palm is stroking my back, but I can’t stop the tears from falling.

“I just miss my friend,” I say, my voice staccato. “I didn’t think I could,” I trail off, trying to calm my sobs.

“You didn’t think we’d let you talk to her anymore,” Gunner says, finishing my thought.

I nod. I thought that by choosing this life, I had to leave everything else behind.

“Look,” Gunner says. “I don’t like it.” He pauses to roll his eyes. “But you’re free to do whatever the hell you want.”

“That’s what I told her,” Zeke echoes and I feel my breathing becomes more even.

Rex takes my hand and his green eyes burn into mine. “You’re ours, but that doesn’t mean we control you. It doesn’t mean we tell you what to do.” Those green eyes begin to dance and sparkle. “Except in the bedroom, that is.”

That gets a smile out of me and Rex wipes the tears from my cheeks.

“That’s better,” Rex says. He coaxes me onto the couch for a sweet and savory slice of candied bacon.

“We will get you a new phone today,” Zeke promises, munching bacon on the sofa next to me. “But we all use burners.”

I nod, pretending that I know what that means. I’m just excited to have a phone again.

“There’s just one thing,” Gunner growls, and I feel my stomach turn over.

This is the catch. There’s always a catch. My muscles tense.

“You’re free,” Gunner grumbles, but he’s staring into my eyes. “But I want you to be safe.”

“Of course.” I feel my body relax.

“I want to know where you are,so that I can protect you.And I’d prefer it if you stayed onourside of town.”

“I’ll do that, Gunner. I promise.”

I’m touched. There’s no catch. This isreal.My guys care for me and want me to be safe, but they don’t want to control me. I never thought that I’d experience this kind of love.

“If you ever have a problem, Goldie, talk to us,” Rex says. “We will always find a way to work it out.” He wraps one of his arms around me. “There’s a lot that we need to discuss.”

“Like what?”

“First, the rules for our relationship,” Zeke answers. He threads his fingers through mine as his eyes rove over my figure. “You’re ours, so no one else can touch you.”

“And you guys? Likewise?” There’s a lump in the back of my throat while I wait for Zeke to answer.

“Of course,” Gunner growls, his hazel eyes flashing. “No woman can touch us except for you.”

The lump in my throat dissolves and transforms into a tingle between my legs.I’m only with them and they’re only with me.I never imagined that my life could be like this.

An hour later, I’m dressed and ready for the day, and Zeke is placing a smartphone in my hand.

“What exactly is a burner, again?” I bat my eyelashes and flash my most charming smile.