“We could have already been there by now,” Bianca complains in a huff.

“I know, B,” I reply evenly, patting her shoulder. It’s all my fault that I insisted we order from a ride-share service instead of utilizing Bianca’s family chauffeur. The driver wouldknowthat we went to a bar, flagrantly disobeying the rules, and I just couldn’t go that far. Isn’t it enough that I’ve agreed to dothis?

Finally, we see headlights, and a compact car maneuvers down Bianca’s long, circular driveway. The driver approaches the palatial home cautiously, as if in disbelief at being summoned to this impressive address. The modest, economy car comes to a stop right underneath the overhang of the porch, right where we are waiting to board.

I release a shaky breath. “Let’s do this, B,” I say, tugging her elbow while she wrinkles her nose in disgust.

“This car isn’t even European,” Bianca gripes and I choke back embarrassed laughter. Typical Bianca.

“Not everyone can afford a luxury car, sis,” I hiss and pull the car door open.

“Hey there,” I call to the driver, a mousy-haired forty-something man with wire-rimmed glasses.

“Hello,” He replies politely and I slide into the backseat.

To my relief, Bianca slips in beside me. She doesn’t greet the driver, but she doesn’t complain about the lack of leather upholstery, either. Overall, I consider it a win.

I’m not sure of the etiquette in ride-share vehicles. I wonder if it’s just like a taxicab, but I’ve never been in one of those either. Bianca is oblivious to her surroundings, with her head buried in her phone. The driver doesn’t attempt any small talk, so I just look out the window into the darkness as we ride along. It’s a brief trip from our gated community to the downtown blocks of our small Southern town.

Like many small Southern towns, there’s not a whole lot to do. There’s one movie theater, one big box store, and a run-down bowling alley. Our town only has a few bars to choose from, all within a few city blocks.

I nudge Bianca when the car stops outside of the Magnolia Bar. She jumps with a start before dropping her phone into her purse and hastily pulling the handle to open the door of the car.

“Thanks for the ride,” I say to the driver after Bianca slips out without a single word to the man.

“Have a good night, miss,” He replies, nodding his head.

I step out of the car onto the sidewalk, smoothing the fabric of the black dress over my hips. The sound of laughter, loud voices, and thumping music waft from the patio and the open door and windows of the bar in front of us. It’s loud, but the beating of my heart seems louder.

“It’s packed for a Wednesday night! Everybody in town must be here,” Bianca marvels, looking over at me with a smile. “Are you ready?” She asks.

I smile back at her, but inside I’m shaking. “Are you sure I look all right?” I fluff my blonde hair that Bianca curled into ringlets around my face and check that the straps of the dress are straight against my shoulders.

“Mer,” Bianca says, grabbing onto both of my shoulders to look me in the eye. “You never looked so good.”

“Thanks, B.”

Bianca releases my shoulders to place her hands on her hips. She cocks her head playfully. “You almost look as good as me.”

“Never!” I laugh, and Bianca joins in with a giggle. She loops one of her arms through mine.

“Let’s go!”

Our heels click against the pavement as we walk down the sidewalk and climb the steps to enter the bar. A dull rumble of an engine turns into a roar and Bianca and I turn instinctively to look at the street.

Three dark-clad figures on motorcycles roll to a stop at the red light in the intersection surrounding the bar. The streetlight shines down on them, illuminating their faces, and I recognize the three men from church earlier. Mr. Tall Dark and Dangerously Handsome, the Adonis, and that completely muscled mound of a man with auburn hair. The three men are sex and sin on wheels.

My heart skips a beat, and I let out a gasp. “Bianca,” I hiss. “It’s those guys I was telling you about.”

Bianca’s eyes sweep over the men with renewed interest, replacing the perpetually unimpressed expression on her face. “Really,” She murmurs. “Theyarehot.”

I think I’m imagining things, but I think I see the Adonis smile. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome smirks and nods his head and the boss just stares over at me cooly. I think that they actually recognize me, but then the light changes to green. The three mystery men rev their engines and speed away into the night.

Chapter 4


It’s nothing like I imagined.