I smile at her calmly, flexing my hips against her, before calling out towards the door.

“Come in!”

Zeke saunters in with his swagger, followed by a glowering Gunner.

“So,” Zeke says, flashing me a knowing smirk. He was immediately smitten with Goldie, and I think Zeke recognizes that I have come around.

“You’ve finally let a lady inside of here. And, see? She didn’t run away screaming.”

I snort in response, but I don’t release my hold on Goldie. Zeke and Gunner have never razzed me for my reading, but everyone else is another story.

“Of course not,” Goldie giggles, leaning towards me. “I’m a huge reader myself.”

“I see,” Zeke grins. “It’s perfect then.” He looks at me directly and nods.

I nod back at him. Zeke’s point is taken. Goldie is the perfect woman for all of us. I didn’t see it at first, but I certainly see it now.

Gunner rolls his eyes, his mouth drawn into his usual scowl. “This isn’t book club,” He grumbles. “We’ve got somewhere to be.”

Zeke cackles in laughter. “Yes, sir!”

Goldie is frowning. She doesn’t know where we’re going. Hell, she hardly knowsanything. She’s been so sheltered.I’ll have to remind myself of that,I think as I finally release her. She glances up at me and I smile kindly as I explain.

“Friday night’s a club night,” I explain. “We’re all expected to make an appearance, along with any of our associated ladies, of course,” I add, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

Goldie bites her plump lower lip, sending a shockwave to my groin.

She looks so fucking sexy when she does that, but I want to be the one biting that lip.

When Goldie looks down at her outfit, I realize the problem at hand.

“Don’t worry,” I assure her. “You look stunning. You’ll fit right in,” I add with a wink.

Every word I say is true. Goldie’s a stone cold fox. She’d look good rocking a potato sack. I love the way the black skirt hugs her curves, even if it is longer than I’d prefer. The rock and roll band t-shirt clings to her breasts, highlighting the amazing cleavage covered just underneath. Obviously, I wouldn’t mind if Goldiewasrevealing more skin, but she doesn’t have to. There’s some allure to her that is just magnetic to me.

Goldie blushes and smiles shyly. I watch as she smooths her skirt and picks off a piece of lint invisible to my forty-something year old eyes.

As a gentleman, I extend my elbow to her. Zeke scowls at me before claiming her other side and Gunner just huffs, rolling his eyes as he leads the way.

I can tell that she’s nervous, but there’s no need to be. Aside from Gunner, Zeke, and myself, no one else is going to touch her. In fact, I think that I can do one better. I’m going to make sure that no one hurts Goldie ever again.

My blood boils in my veins as I think of Goldie’s father, Reverend Earl Bennett.What a complete and utter shit stain on earth,I think, glowering on the inside.

Goldie needs to know the evil that her father is capable of.

But first, I want Goldie to agree to stay.

The three of us have shared girlfriends, but never an old lady. An old lady is a commitment. It’s serious business.

But I’m ready.

Goldie is the one.

Chapter 21


My glass clinks when I place it on the wooden table of our booth, tucked away to the side of the Grim Rider’s party hall but in full view of all the action.