“We figured,” Gunner grumbles, but I’m distracted from snapping back at him when Zeke smiles at me kindly.

“There’s nothing to it, babe,” Zeke shrugs. “Just lean whenever I do and hold on.” He grins.

Rex holds my hand while I swing one leg over the motorcycle.

“Is this all right?” I ask, gently wrapping my arms around Zeke’s waist.

“Fine, fine. Just watch that one spot,” Zeke replies. His bike starts up with a purr and Gunner’s fires up with a rumble. Zeke revs the engine while we wait for Rex to climb on his own ride, a classic black motorcycle.

“Here we go, Goldie,” Zeke warns.

I hold my breath and the bike lurches forward. It feels like we’re flying. I love everything about it: the wind in my hair, the rumbling engine between my legs, and especially having my arms wrapped around the sexy biker in front of me. It’s exhilarating. I’ve never felt so alive.

In no time, the men catch up to the rest of the club. They ride in formation throughout our little town. Down Main Street and past the park. Right by all the little shops and restaurants that people are out enjoying in the late afternoon.

People stop in their tracks and stare. Conversations are halted as we pass by. Everyone looks, but there’s no way anyone could recognize me. Not with the helmet on, at least. But the thought gives me a thrill. If they only knew. The preacher’s daughter is out with the Grim Riders. And I even feel like I belong.

As we ride along what seems to be a predetermined route, my breasts press against Zeke's muscled back and the engine rumblesbetween my legs. I’m disappointed when I see the bikes ahead braking as the gated compound appears in the distance. I’m not ready for the ride to be over.

To my surprise, we slow down but don’t make the turn. Zeke guns the engine, and Rex and Gunner form into a triangle by riding at either side behind us.

“Gotta make one stop,” Zeke says, raising his voice to be heard over the roar.

I hold on to Zeke tight, though I’m mindful of the wound at his side. His body feels so good pressed against mine and somehow, I feel safe, despite traveling in one of the most dangerous modes of transportation.

And they want me to stay,I think. Could my life really be like this all the time? I want to believe in this fantasy, but it seems too good to be true. I still remember everything that I’ve ever been told about these men. They’re criminals, murderers, and thieves. The absolute worst of the worst.

But it’s just not adding up. How is it, then, that the guys have been so kind and gentle with me?

Zeke slows as we approach an abandoned strip mall. He makes the turn when we ride around to the back of the building, I gasp.

There’s a plain brick building with a bustling parking lot and a bright neon sign. It reads “The Peppermint Hippo.”

Zeke can’t hear me over the sound of the engine, but he pulls the bike right up to the entrance and parks. When Rex and Gunner cut their motors, I can hear the thumping of bass through the walls of the club.

I look down at the ground as Rex offers his hand to help me off the back of Zeke’s bike. I can’t look at them. I can’t believe that they’ve brought me here, to a strip club. Just when I was beginning to see some good in them.

“You okay, Goldie?” Rex asks. “Do you not like riding?” When I glance up, he’s frowning.

“No, I loved it,” I answer, biting my lip nervously as my eyes wander towards the neon sign.

“Oh,” Rex smiles knowingly. “Zeke should tell you why we’re here.”

Gunner grunts while he watches Zeke wince as he climbs off of his bike.

“I’ve just gotta go visit my mom,” Zeke says, shrugging sheepishly.

I’m aghast, but I try to lock my jaw to prevent it from dropping open. “You mom is here?” I ask, trying to keep my voice even.

“Yeah,” Zeke answers, his brows furrowed. “She works here.” He pauses as his face breaks into a smile. “Wait, you didn’t think…” He trails off, reaching to wrap his arm around me and pull me close. I breathe in his scent of gasoline and leather.

“I’monlyinterested in you,” Zeke whispers in my ear. My whole body tingles as he holds me close.

“I’m not sure how this works,” I answer, and that’s the truth. This whole situation is insane.

“I want you andonlyyou,” Zeke says, pulling apart to stare at me with his dazzling sky blue eyes. “But the three of us are brothers and we come as a team.”

I feel my cheeks redden, thinking about the implications.