“Do you even have anything that will fit me?” I ask, chewing on my lip as Bianca sorts through the hangers. Bianca has a slim, supermodel physique and I’m…voluptuous.

“Of course,” Bianca replies, turning around with a pile of dresses folded over her arm. “Here, try these.”

I eye the garments suspiciously, and eventually settle on the dress on top. To my relief, it slips over my head easily. When I look in the mirror, it actually drapes over my curves in a flattering way.

“See?” Bianca smiles, coming up behind me in the full-length, surrounding mirrors. She adjusts a strap to lie flat against my shoulder.

“Wow.” I’m not used to seeing myself this way. I always try to dress modestly. If anything, I do my best to hide my curves, but right now they’re on full display.

“That looks amazing, but try on this blue one,” Bianca says. “I think it might bring out your eyes.”

I shimmy out of the silky red fabric and slide the next offering over my head. The blue bandage dress is much tighter than anything I’d usually wear, but to my astonishment, the tight fabric highlights the contrast of my hourglass shape.

“No,” Bianca says decisively, her eyes narrowing.

“Really?” I ask, surprised. I take another moment to look myself over in the mirror. I actually think that I look striking. The cobalt bluedoesbring out the blue in my eyes, just like Bianca suggested. And I actually think that my body looksgood.

“No,” Bianca says again, crossing her arms over her chest with a sigh. “You look fat, Mer,” She states bluntly.

“Oh,” I say, shocked. There’s a momentary sting, but I’m used to Bianca’s brutal honesty.

“I didn’t want to say, Mary, but I owe you the truth,” Bianca pouts, widening her eyes to provoke my sympathy.

I turn around and wrap my arms around her shoulders.

“I know, B,” I reply. “I sure am lucky to have a friend like you.” Aren’t all friends like this? Completely honest, even when feelings are bound to be hurt? It’s the only kind of friendship I know.

Bianca smiles, smoothing down her hair when she catches sight of her reflection in the mirror. By the time I pull the blue dress over my head, Bianca’s primping is finally complete. I only have to wait a moment for her to hand me another dress.

Eventually, after trying on around a dozen of Bianca’s selections, we settle on a black minidress. It’s revealing enough to satisfy Bianca, but the dark color makes me feel less exposed. Maybe I’ll be able to blend into the background, if necessary. My confidence still hasn’t recovered from Bianca’s fat comment.

I check out my reflection one last time. I hope I don’t look fat, but I always feel like the ugly sidekick when I stand next to Bianca.I’m lucky that I’m able to fit into any of her dresses at all. Thank goodness for drapery and stretchy fabrics. Bianca’s several inches taller than I am and her body is willowy, while mine is Rubenesque. She’s always perfectly poised and always knows just what to say while I’ve often been accused of being too much for people. I never seem to stay quiet when I’m supposed to and I never seem to fit in.

“Mary, we’ve got to do make-up,” Bianca whines, sliding out the chair to her vanity. “Come and sit down!”

“Sorry, coming!” I call, rushing away from the alcove with the full-length mirror. I sit down in Bianca’s plush white leather chair and look at all the beauty products strewn before me with trepidation.

“I’m thinking a smoky eye will really match the dress,” Bianca announces.

My best friend is undoubtedly the expert here. I’m only allowed to wear natural-looking mascara, blush, and lip gloss. I’m in big trouble with my dad if I am ever caught in obvious make-up. This is completely out of my element.

“Whatever you think is best, B,” I acquiesce. Bianca might hurt my feelings sometimes, but I know she won’t allow me to leave the house looking stupid.

Bianca swivels the chair around for easier access to my face. I’m unable to watch in the mirror anymore, so I try to just sit back and relax.

“Mer,” Bianca frowns. “Sit still! You’re shaking!”

“Sorry,” I titter, wringing my damp hands.

This is no big deal for Bianca. She goes out often when her parents are out of town. They wouldn’t like it if they knew, but the housekeeper and other servants are too afraid to say anything. Bianca can do as she pleases, as long as her parents are away.

I, on the other hand, can’t believe that I’m actually going to be doing this. It’s a complete and utterthrill. My palms are sweaty and my entire body is jittery with nerves. I’ve never been out to a bar before, even though I’ve been legally able to for over a year.I’m finally going to do it before I lose my freedom for good. This is my last chance and I’m not about to let it pass me by.

Chapter 3


Bianca stands, arms crossed, and the tapping sound from the toe of her high-heeled shoe echoes against the pillars of the front porch of her stately home. She lets out a breath of air in frustration.