“I’m a seven,” I reply, biting my lip. I’d kill for something more comfortable, but what are the chances?

“Oh, my God! We are, too!” Kitty turns to swipe a pair of black combat boots from the floor of her closet. She sits them down in front of me and then turns to open a door of her dresser.

“This will be more comfortable,” Kitty says, offering me a pair of socks.

I accept gratefully, gingerly slipping the high heels off of my feet.

“Those boots will really complete the fit,” Kiki says, nodding approvingly.

“Thank you so much, both of you,” I look up from slipping on the socks to make eye contact with each teenager. They didn’t have to be so kind to me. It’s the exception to the rule, in my personal experience.

“No problem!” Kitty smiles, shrugging.

I turn back to lacing up the black combat boots. I’ve never worn such a thing, but I have to admit that they are comfortable.When I stand up, both sisters check me out and Kiki gives me a thumbs up sign.

“You look hot,” Kitty says. “We’d better go before Gunner loses his mind,” She quips, rolling her eyes.

I hold myself back from chuckling, but I can’t resist flashing a smile. The sisters giggle as they link their arms with mine.

“Let’s go,” Kiki says and the girls lead me out of the room, still giggling.

Gunner is perched on the edge of the recliner chair in the living room, shaking his head with a scowl.

“I was about to leave without you,” He grumbles, but Kiki and Kitty pay him no attention.

“We’re ready!” Kiki sings.

“And, look!” Kitty steps aside to reveal my biker chic makeover.

I stand there, frozen in mortification. My weight shifts slightly from one foot to another and I thank the Lord above that I’m not still wearing the heels from the night before.

This man seems to hate me. Will he manage to say anything nice at all?I’m afraid, but there’s not long for me to wonder. Gunner’s mouth gapes slightly and his hazel eyes widen as they roam from my head to my toes. A grunt escapes, but then he blushes, making the reaction seem involuntary. Somehow, I can't help but feel flattered.

“You look nice,” Gunner mumbles.

Kiki rolls her eyes and sighs while Kitty flings her hands on her hips.

“Really?” Kitty snaps. “Nice?”

Gunner grumbles underneath his breath as he turns on his heel, swinging open the door to the apartment without waiting for us to follow.

“He can be such a jerk,” Kiki complains, jutting out her lower lip.

“You’ve learned that by now, right?” Kitty asks me.

“Oh, yes,” I say, and my quick response makes us all burst into a fit of giggles.

“We can go by ourselves,” Kiki announces, as soon as we have collected ourselves.

“Yeah,” Kitty says, linking her arm through mine once more. “It’s not like we don’t know the way.”

“I’m waiting,” Gunner growls, suddenly popping his head in the doorway. “And I heard that.”

Kitty and Kiki just laugh, completely unbothered, as they sashay through the doorway and I follow more meekly behind them.

Gunner is glowering, holding the door open. Just because he won’t hurt his little sisters doesn’t mean that I should test my luck. I meet his hazel eyes, but I can’t read them. Gunner’s softness with his sisters has made him more of a mystery to me.

I follow Kitty and Kiki down the hallway, but swear that I can feel Gunner’s eyes on the backside of my body. I don’t dare turn around to check, but I can hear his heavy footsteps just behind us.