“Really?” I bite my lip and run my fingers over the silky material of the blouse. The blouse gives a nice drape along my curves, even though it is nipped in at the waist.

“Oh my God!” Kitty exclaims, linking her arm through mine. “Come look!” She pulls me towards the full-length mirror hanging on the back of the door.

I can’t believe that the reflection belongs to me. I’ve always tried to hide my curves in shapeless dresses. Heck, it’s what my father and stepmother always encouraged. But dressed in fitted clothes, I do look amazing. My body curves in all the right places and I still have a defined waist, despite any extra padding. And this top is cut so low that I’m showing the maximum amount of cleavage before I’m in danger of a wardrobe malfunction.

“Wow,” I manage, shaking my head slowly at my reflection. “I never would have dared try this on!”

“Biker chic suits you,” Kiki says. She lifts her chin and smiles proudly.

“Can we do some makeup? Hair?” Kitty smiles at me in the mirror, her voice pleading.

“It will really finish out the look,” Kiki adds, but I need no more convincing.

“Yes!” I grin. “Please!”

The sisters squeal in delight once more. Kitty directs me to the spot on her bed with the best lighting and Kiki runs off to fetch their make-up kit from the bathroom.

I sit patiently while the girls take turns painting on make-up and twisting my hair away from my face. I can’t move, but the teens chatter on about the latest trends in fashion and their own personal style. They seem to enjoy themselves immensely and I just listen. They’re both so sweet and they remind me a lot of myself at that age.Funny,I think,even though they’re growing up with the Grim Riders.The thought of the things these girls have seen makes me shudder, but they seem so well-adjusted.

“We don’t want to overdo it,” Kiki explains. “Just a simple half-up hairdo and a smoky cat eye.”

“It’s just a cookout, after all,” Kitty adds.

“I’m sure I’m going to love it!” I smile, nodding encouragingly. “Show me.”

Kiki holds up the make-up mirror in front of me.

“Oh my gosh,” I gasp. “Idolove it!”

My big blue eyes stand out more than ever with the dusting of light gray eyeshadow lining my eyelashes. My lips are coated into a glossy pout and my blonde hair has been teased and pulled away from my face with a few golden tendrils escaping.

“This was so fun,” Kiki giggles. “I’m so glad you love it.”

“Yeah,” Kitty agrees. “Do you think we can do it again?”

“Well, I’d like to,” I answer. “But it all depends on your brother,” I add quickly.

“Hmmm,” Kitty murmurs, and I think about how she looks just like Gunner. She flashes me some side-eye.

“What’s going on with the two of you?” Kiki asks, blinking her eyes slowly as she watches me.

“Um,” I stammer, wishing I thought up an answer to this sooner. They were bound to ask, eventually.

“You’ll have to ask your brother,” I say, flashing them an embarrassed smile.

“Well, he’s never brought home a girl before,” Kitty says, staring at me with her enormous hazel eyes.

I nod, unsure of what to say. That’s very interesting information aboutKade,which I plan to tuck away for later. Just thinking about Gunner’s real name makes me smile.

“I saw that!” Kiki grins, but when my face drops, she leans in and lowers her voice to a hush. “Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.”

“Kiki! Kitty!” Gunner’s voice bellows from the living room. “I’ve got to start the charcoal soon!”

“Just a minute!” Kitty hollers, taking her time to apply a fresh layer of lip gloss.

Kiki fluffs her auburn waves and looks in the mirror, turning her body to check out her outfit from all angles.

“Do you want to wear those shoes?” Kitty glances down at the heels on my feet. “What size are you?”