“I hadn’t really thought about it,” I answer slowly, trying to think fast. “I guess I’d just like to fit in.”

Kiki snaps her fingers. “Bikerchicit is!”

“It’s what we’re best at,” Kitty adds, unhooking a hanger from the rod to hold up for Kiki, who nods her approval.

I perch on the edge of Kitty’s twin bed. My surroundings are more modest, but this reminds me of Bianca’s makeovers. It makes me miss my best friend.

“What do you usually like to wear?” Kiki asks nonchalantly, still thumbing through shirts in her closet.

“Honestly, I’m hopeless with fashion,” I shrug. “I usually have to rely on my best friend, so I don’t embarrass myself.”

Kitty stops and turns around to look at my face. She’s checking to see if I’m joking.

“No way,” Kitty protests. “But you’re so pretty. You could never look embarrassing.”

“Yeah, no way!” Kiki agrees, shaking her head. They both turn back around and Kiki shows Kitty a pair of black leggings.

I feel my cheeks flush. “Thanks,” I reply. Bianca doesn’t give compliments easily, so it’s strange for these teenage girls to be so kind.

A moment later, the girls turn around and spread a top and bottom out on the bed before me with a flourish.

“Ta-da!” Kiki sings, smoothing the silky fabric of the black blouse. “Gunner threw a fit when I tried to wear this,” She confides, rolling her eyes. “But I think it would look amazing on you.”

I swallow hard. I can see why an older brother would have a problem. The top is made of a silky, black material and it’s incredibly low cut. I have the goods to fill it out, but it’s more than I’m used to revealing.

“And these pants,” Kitty adds, holding the hem of one leg towards me.

I finger the fabric and she must notice my trepidation.

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m an animal lover, too,” Kitty pauses to flash me a grin. “They’repleather,” She adds in a whisper. “But they have hella stretch.”

The two teenagers have been too kind to me, happily offering their own clothing to borrow. I can’t refuse now, even if I’m afraid that I can’t pull this look off. These girls have no idea that I’m the preacher’s daughter.

“Wow,” I reply, fingering the silky fabric. “This look ishot.”

“Try it on! Try iton!”Kitty squeals, while Kiki jumps up and down a few times.

“All right,” I laugh, and the girls turn to head out of the room.

“We’ll give you some privacy,” Kiki says, closing the door behind her.

I slip the oversized shirt over my head and shimmy out of the sweatpants quickly. When it’s time to slide my legs into the pleather leggings, I stifle a groan.

This isnotgoing to look good,I think but to my surprise, the leggings stretch easily over my thighs and hips. The tight pants seem to hold my stomach in slightly, without being uncomfortable.

Feeling a bit more optimistic, I thread my arms through the silky black top. I’ve only smoothed it over my abdomen when the girls are knocking at the door.

“Are you dressed yet?” One sister calls.

I consider my options, but there’s no getting out of this.

“Come in,” I reply.

The bedroom door flings open and the sisters elbow their way in. Kitty’s mouth drops open in surprise while Kiki covers up a gasp with her palm.

“You look amazing!” Kiki screeches, lowering her hand, and Kitty nods enthusiastically.

“Stunning! So hot!” Kitty agrees.