And Reverend Bennet is going to have to learn.

Chapter 12


I’ve got to pull myself together. I splash my face with a handful of cold water and lift my head to inspect my reflection in Gunner’s bathroom mirror.

I feel mortified. If being kidnapped by bikers wasn’t horrifying enough, my own father has blamed me for the entire ordeal. Then I can’t control myself and burst into tears. It’s all so embarrassing, but one thought eats away at me.

I felt warm and safe wrapped in Rex’s arms, but also as if our connection was magnetic. I frown at my reflection. Sure, I’m a sheltered preacher’s daughter, but I’ve been around boys and men before. I’ve never felt the sparks of electricity like with Rex, Zeke, and Gunner.What does it mean?

I can’t be attracted to these men. They’re monsters.

I keep telling myself that, although Rex showed me more kindness and comfort when I cried than I’ve ever known. At best, my father would send me out of the room at the slightest bit of teariness. At worst, the punishment had just begun.

God, help me. I’ll get through this.I strain to make my lips contort into a small smile. I’ll still do my best to be a good Southern lady.

I turn on my heel and swing the bathroom door open, but I’m surprised to see only Gunner remaining. He’s perched on one of the black leather sofas, scowling at the screen of his cell phone. He grits his teeth and clenches his chiseled jaw.

“We’ve got to go,” Gunner grumbles, not even bothering to look up at me.

“Uh, okay,” I stammer.

Gunner jumps up and stalks toward the door. “Come on,” He chides, holding the door open for me.

I bite down on my lip, shifting from one foot to another. “Where are Rex and Zeke?”

Gunner rolls his hazel eyes and lets out a huff.

“Things to do,” He growls. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

My heels click on the tiled floor as I whisk through the doorway, not making any attempt to conceal an eye roll of my own.

“Can I ask wherewe’regoing?” I snap, flipping my blonde hair over my shoulder and waiting for Gunner to close the door behind us.

I think I spot the slightest hint of blush and when Gunner speaks, his tone is softer.

“You’ll see soon enough,” He sighs and I follow him through the winding hallways of the Grim Riders compound.

I’m sure we’ve trekked at least a half-mile when Gunner finally stops before the door at the end of the hallway. He makes his huge hand into a fist and knocks exactly three times before turning the doorknob with a grumble.

“Kitty! Kiki!” Gunner calls gruffly, pushing open the door to reveal a homey living room with a small kitchen against the back wall.

I notice two backpacks piled in a heap on an afghan-covered armchair. There are floral throw pillows on the beige sofa and a vase of flowers resting on the coffee table.What is going on here?This little apartment definitely has a feminine touch.

“Kade!” A girlish voice exclaims from somewhere deeper in the apartment.

There’s a rushing of footsteps and a teenage girl appears in the hallway off of the kitchenette. She stops, placing her hands on her hips and pursing her lips. With her hazel eyes and auburn hair, she’s the spitting image of Gunner.

“You’relate,”The girl admonishes before switching to a whine. “You missed us at the bus stop.”

Gunner lets out a small sigh and his broad shoulders seem to soften. He closes the door behind him and scoops up both of the backpacks in one hand.

“I’m sorry, Kitty,” Gunner grumbles. “Club business.”

Kitty’s glaring at Gunner with such an intensity that I don’t think she’s even registered my presence. I’m surprised when her head snaps in my direction.

“Who are you?” Kitty’s hazel eyes widen as her expression softens.